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Vic's POV

The last show was killer! I can't believe the guys and I actually got signed! This was crazy. The tour went great, but it was nice to finally return home after so many months. We missed our entire senior year for this tour and I have to say, it was worth every second. This is all I want to do for the rest of my life.

We drove by our old school as the bus was dropping us off at home. I couldn't help but remember my ex-girlfriend, Abby. She and I broke up at the end if the summer, and I missed her terribly. I honestly don't know why she dumped me. Just after she told me she was pregnant, I was getting ready to go on tour. I was shocked that I was going to be a father, but I could never bring myself to leave her alone. I gave her a necklace that I thought would prove to her that I was serious about staying with her, but she never seemed convinced. The week before tour, she broke up with me.

The whole thing killed me. She said it was for the best, but I didn't think so. I just wanted to be there for Abby and the baby. I know, right? What high school guy wants to be a father? But with Abby, it was different. I really cared about her.

"Hey Vic? We're home!" Mike said to get my attention. I snapped out if my thoughts and turned to my window, my gaze landing on our modest home. We got of the bus after double checking we had gathered all of our things and brought them inside.

"Victor! Michael! Welcome home!" Mama greeted. She and Papa engulfed us both in tight hugs and showered us with kisses.

"Hi Mama, Papa." I said. They pulled us inside and started asking about tour. We gave them every detail we could before my phone rang. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID.

"Abby?" I asked as soon as I answered her call. "How are you? What's up?" She hadn't called me since we broke up, but I couldn't hold that against her. Mama and Papa surprisingly, weren't mad at me for getting her pregnant. They thought it was nice that I at least tried to help her.

"Vic, hi. Are you back from tour?"

"Yeah, we just got back a few minutes ago, why?"

"Um, well, I know we broke up, but I was wondering if you wanted to come see your daughter?" I froze for a second.

"Y-You had her already?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I'm at the hospital. I just had her like ten minutes ago. So, you coming?" I nodded frantically although she couldn't see me.

"Yes! Yeah, I'm on my way! I'll be there soon. See you then!"

"Okay, bye." We hung up and I jumped up from my seat. Everyone was staring tame and I realized I was grinning like an idiot.

"Abby just had the baby. It's a girl!" I said as I turned and ran out the door.

Once at the hospital, I ran up to the counter and asked the lady where Abby would be. She gave me the room number and directions on where to find it. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I skidded to a halt at the doorway of her room.

"Abby?" I whispered. She and her family looked up at me. She smiled and waved me over. I slowly walked up to her bed and sat down next to her. Wrapped in a pink blanket was a tiny baby girl lying in her arms. My baby girl. "Oh my god..." I sighed.

"Do you want to hold her?" Abby asked. I smiled and nodded reaching out to take her. The baby reached out a tiny hand and I let her grab onto my finger. He other hand made its way to my hair and she yanked it. I chuckled.

"Hey baby girl!" I said softly in a baby voice. My eyes water at the sight of her. I looked up at Abby. "What's her name?" Abby bit her lip.

"I thought, uh, maybe you should have a say in it. Since she is your daughter too." That meant so much to me.

"What were you thinking of?"

"I thought maybe Sarah? Or Meghan, Audrey. Mom likes Samantha." I looked back down at the baby in my arms. "I like them all. You can choose if you want." She yanked in my hair again and I chuckled.

"Audrey?" I cooed to her. She made a gurgling sound. "Yeah? You like that name? Audrey Jones. Audrey Samantha Jones?" I glanced up at Abby to see her reaction. She smiled brightly and nodded. "Audrey..."

"Uh, Vic?" Abby asked. I nodded to let her know I was listening. "You don't need to be involved with her...if you don't want." She said. I looked up at her and shook my head lightly.

"Of course I do! She's my daughter too." I ran a finger along Audrey's soft flawless baby skin. She giggled and my heart melted at the sound.

"Um...well, Vic, I don't really...want you to be involved with her..." Abby said. I snapped my head up and searched Abby's face for any sort of amusement to tell me she was joking. I found none.

"Wh-What? Abby you can't do that!" She shook her head.

"Vic I can. You can take this to court, but I'll win. They always keep the baby with it's mother, and my family is in a better position to care for her. You were on tour for the last eight months! What do you think that'll make them judge?" I sighed. I wanted custody over her; at least partial. She was my daughter, but I knew it was futile to try. "I don't want her around your music. I want her to be her own person. Your band is good--really good. You're going to make it in the industry, but I don't want her to just be known as your daughter." My lip was quivering and I was holding back tears. "Maybe someday you can see her again, but not right now. Not until she's older." I swallowed hard and shut my eyes.

"I can't believe you're doing this to me, Abby." I said. She shrugged.

"It's my choice and this is what I want. I thought about it the entire time you were gone, and this is what is going to happen." I looked up at her again. She was wearing the necklace I gave her before we broke up. I thought she got rid if it. I didn't have a choice in the matter. This is what was going to happen and I might never see my baby after this.

"Okay." I said quietly. "Fine. If that's what you want, then fine." I said, swallowing back the words I wanted to tell her. "Can you at least tell me about her every once in a while? How she's doing?" Abby hesitated but nodded.

"Okay, but she won't know about you." I nodded. I lifted Audrey up and handed her back to Abby.

"I think I should go." I said, standing up.

"I think that would be best." I started towards the door, and stopped.

"If you ever need help with her, I--"

"I have my family. I won't need your help." She said sternly. I slowly nodded and took one last look at Audrey before turning and walking out.

"Bye, baby girl..." I whispered to myself. As I walked away from the room, tears were streaming down my face and I heard the screams of a baby; the baby that was no longer mine.

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