Chapter 2

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Monday morning, Alayna woke up and got dressed. She groaned at the fact that winter break was over and she had to go back to school. She finished getting ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast. She saw Troy and her parents already in the kitchen. "Morning everybody." She said.

"Morning Alayna." Her mom said, setting a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with eggs and bacon on the table. Alayna poured herself a glass of orange juice and sat at the table, starting to eat.

"You guys ready for the new semester?" Her dad asked. Alayna and Troy both groaned.

"Not really." Alayna said.

"Troy, you ready for the basketball season?" Their dad asked.

"Yeah." Troy said.

"Can we have one meal where we're not talking about basketball?" Their mom asked.

"Sorry." Troy and their father said. Alayna giggled. After they finished eating, Troy and Alayna grabbed their stuff and got in their dad's car, heading to school.

When they arrived, they all got out and walked inside. Alayna walked to her locker and put her book away. She grabbed the books she needed for the first half of the day and made her way to her home room. She saw her best friend, Ashley, already there.

"Ashley!" Alayna said, running over to her and hugging her.

"Hey Alayna!" Ashley said, hugging Alayna back.

"How was your winter break?" Alayna asked, sliding into her chair.

"It was good." Ashley said. "Me and my dad went up to my cousins for Christmas and New Years."

"Nice." Alayna said.

"How was the ski lodge?" Ashley asked.

"It was so much fun." Alayna said. Just then, the bell rang signaling the start of homeroom.

"Tell me all about at lunch." Ashley whispered. Alayna nodded and paid attention to the teacher. When home room ended, Alayna walked out of the classroom. "See you in English." Ashley said.

"Bye Ash." Alayna said, before walking off. As she walked to her first class, Alayna saw Troy talking with someone. As she got closer, she noticed it was the girl from the ski lodge.

"Hey Troy." Alayna said, walking up to them.

"Hey Alayna." Troy said.

Alayna looked at Gabriella. "Hey Gabriella." She said. "What are you doing here?"

"My mom's job transferred her here." Gabriella explained. "So, I'll be going to East High until I graduate next year."

"That's so cool." Alayna said. "Welcome to East High"

"Thanks." Gabriella said. The three of them started walking.

"How was home room?" Alayna asked.

"We both got detention by Ms. Darbus." Gabriella said.

"Oh, you met Ms. Darbus." Alayna said. "She can be intense."

"I've noticed." Gabriella said.

"Dad's not going to like that you have detention." Alayna said.

"I know." said Troy. They walked passed a bulletin board full of extracurricular activities. "Now that you've met Ms. Darbus, I bet you can't wait to sign up for that." Troy said, pointing at the audition sign up sheet.

"I'm focused on settling into the school, so I won't be signing up for anything right now." Gabriella said. "But if you signed up, I would think about coming to the show. Alayna giggled at the thought of Troy being in a musical.

"Yeah, that's impossible." Troy said.

"Impossible." Sharpay said, coming up behind him. "I didn't even think impossible was in your vocabulary, Troy." Alayna rolled her eyes. Sharpay was always trying to flirt with Troy.

"I'll see you guys later." Alayna said. "It was nice seeing you again, Gabriella."

"You too, Alayna." Gabriella said. Alayna walked off to her English class. At lunchtime, Alayna made her way to the cafeteria. She got a burger with fries and a soda and sat at a table. A freshman cheerleader came over to her.

"Hi Alayna." The cheerleader said.

"Hey." Alayna greeted them.

The girl sat down at the table with her. "How was your winter break." She asked.

"It was good." Alayna answered. "How was yours."

"Good." The girl said. "So, I was wondering if you could give me your brothers number."

Alayna sighed. "If you want Troy's number so bad, go ask him for it yourself." She said, angrily.

"Ok. Sorry." The girl said. She got up and left. Alayna was tired of everyone only being nice to her and being her friend so she'll give them Troy's number.

Ashley came over to Alayna and sat down. "Another cheerleader wanting your brothers number?" She asked.

Alayna nodded. "Yeah." Alayna said. "It gets so annoying."

"So, I want to hear all the details about your ski resort trip." She said.

"It was great." Alayna said. "Troy taught me how to ski and snowboard."

"Cool." Ashley said. They continued talking about their winter break until the bell rang. They got up and threw their trash away.

It was Alayna's free period, so she just walked around. She walked passed the bulletin board filled with extracurricular activities. She stopped in front of the audition sign up sheet for the winter musical. She was debating whether to audition or not. She had never really been in a show. But she did enjoy singing, when no one was around. She walked into the bathroom and was relieved to see that no one was in there. She took out her songbook out and flipped through it. She stopped at a page and started singing.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
Way above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?"-Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland.

The bell rang and Alayna put her songbook away and made her way to her next class. Little did she know that Ryan had her singing. After school was over, Alayna made her way to her locker and started packing her bag.

"Audition for the winter musical." Ryan said, coming up to her.

"Excuse me?" Alayna asked.

"I heard you singing in the bathroom earlier." Ryan said. "You're really good. You should audition for the musical."

"I don't know." Alayna said, unsure.

"Why not?" Ryan said.

"I've never sang in front of people before." Alayna said. "I'm too scared to."

"I'll audition with you, if you don't want to audition alone." Ryan said.

"Aren't you auditioning with Sharpay?" Alayna asked.

"I can audition with both of you." Ryan said.

"Sharpay isn't going to be happy about that." Alayna said.

"Don't worry about it." Ryan said. "I'll deal with her."

"I have to get to get volleyball practice." Alayna said.

"Just think about it." Ryan said. "Please."

"Ok." Alayna said. She grabbed her gym bag and made her way to the girls locker room.

Alayna Bolton(A High School Musical fanfic & Ryan Evans love story)Where stories live. Discover now