HI ENJOY!! :D comment good or bad

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OK hey guys and girls! I'm super happy to finaly start uploading my first novel :D. I hope you like Idc if you hate it,like it, love it...well I actually do care but please comment what you all think please!! I love the advice so when I write my second one I'm more prepared... kk Thanks!! OHHH almost forgot song of the chapter *lion roar* frontline by Pillar! this song rocks :D

alright later my dragon people!!!

~~Chapter 1~~

        Damn it, I have class in five hours and I doubt I'll get a lick of sleep. It's a quarter to three in the morning on my alarm clock. Shit, I turn off my laptop and slide into my rock hard twin sized bed. Maybe the boices will finally stop and I can be a normal seventeen year old for once in my damned life,maybe tomorrow will be different. You see I'm not your average cheerleader bombshell teenager. No I'm dull, boring, and I am a serial killer. I know it's wrong as shit, but it's the only thing that relaxes me after living with the worse father in history. the idiot can't keep a single job, drinks us out of money and has anger problems the size of the Earth.

        My alarm starts blaring "Paradise Lost" by Hollywood Undead and I rub my eyes sighing. I drag myself to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I strip, get in and wake up from ice cold water hitting my back. I grit my teeth, and bare through the freezing chill all over my body. I head back to my room and get dress. I look at myself in the mirror and notice my diamond printed whip hidding behind the door with my vintage jason mask my mother gave me the year before she died in a car accident. She held this family together when she was here. Kept my idiot father away from the boos and me in control with the voices inside my head. Looking back at my stuff I notice the blood still on them from last night, I'll have to clean them when I get back. As I walk out I see father passed out on the coach as normal and I didn't feel like getting another black eye to cover up. My last onne was still healing. So I started sneaking through the living room being quiet as possible slowly opening the cabinet for a honey bun before heading out the door for the mile hike to school.

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