Prologue One

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Arnav was driving the Jeep frantically while being chased by the goons looking around frantically for any signs of his Khushi while Khushi herself was struggling to free herself from the ropes that she was so painfully bound in.

"Khushi!!" Arnav screamed with a thin layer of tears shining in his chocolate brown eyes hoping to hear her voice calling out for him, giving him an inkling of where she was but was met only with the sounds of motorists following him closely. He took a sudden turn causing the tyres of the jeep to make a loud screeching sound

"Arnav-ji.." Khushi's throat hurt from so much of shouting. She tried once again to wriggle out of the ropes only to be met with disappointment. Another stream of tears made its way through her doe eyes.

What do I do now DM?

All at once she heard a certain vehicle approaching, Khushi closed her eyes in utter helplessness, not knowing how to get out of this situation.

Arnav screeched to a halt, seeing Khushi lying on the road bound by ropes.

"Khushi!!" Arnav took her name like a breath of fresh air, only to see her eyes opening, and felt relief flooding through his veins seeing her fine.

Arnav quickly bent next to her and began untying the ropes that were binding her.

"Khushi..." Arnav had only started speaking when Khushi's sudden scream startled him.

The goons had caught up with them, at last.


"Move!!" Khushi screamed, Arnav dodged the attack of one of the goons and tried to untie Khushi yet again but he was pulled back by the goons, Arnav pushed them backwards and started to fight them away from Khushi.

Khushi tried one more time to wriggle out of the ropes, Half of them were already untied by Arnav and that made her job a lot more easier. She got rid of the ropes from her hands and then her feet. Arnav was being overpowered by him who had him lying face-first on the road.

"Arnav-ji" Khushi called getting to her feet while Arnav got to his own and dodged one of the goons punch.

He was going to hit the goon when he heard "Stop right there or I'll shoot this girl" causing Arnav's hand to freeze mid-air.

One of the goons was standing with a gun pointed directly at Khushi's forehead, His hands gripped her arm in a wincing grip.

"Let her go!" Arnav warned

"You think very highly of yourself don't you? What happened now?" The man asked

"Chod de Khushi ko. I SAID LET HER GO!! (Leave Khushi.)" Arnav dodged another attack whilst warning the goon

Khushi somehow wriggled out of the goon's hold and made a dash for Arnav but was caught midway and thrown backwards. She stumbled on the rocks scattered on the cliff.

"Arnav-ji!!" Her terrified scream reached Arnav's ears causing him to look at her Amid the fight.

"Leave from here or I'll kill you!!" Arnav tackled the gun out of the goon's  and mock- fired. The goons escaped the place in a matter of seconds while Arnav ran in the direction where Khushi fell off the cliff. He looked around frantically for any signs of Khushi only to find none.

"Khushi!! Khushi! Where are you??" Arnav cried trying to locate Khushi.

"Khushi.. Please come back to me." Arnav whispered, tears cascading down his cheeks. He fell on his knees not being able to hold his weight anymore before darkness consumed him

So this plot was put into my mind by my Khurafati Little One  SujzWriter

And Honestly someone pressurised me into writing it even though I already had my hands full with 4 ongoing stories. So yeah here's the 5th one.

Respecting the wishes of my captain and Partner in Crime for this story, Here I am. With the First Prologue of another [hopefully] beautiful story.

Let me know what you think.

Both of us are gonna take equal responsibility if this turns out bad 😂😂😂 Right Partner in Crime? [ALTHOUGH I'm stubbornly sure its good]

Anyway.. We'll be waiting for your  beautiful comments.

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