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What do you do when your mother dies and your father turns to drugs and abusing you?

I don't know what other people do but I know what I did.

I ran.

For seven years I had to put up with his abusiveness and then one day I found out about a school that would take in runaways and train them. Now, at first, I didn't know what they meant by "train". I didn't know what it was for or anything about it. But I didn't care. I just wanted to get away.

So I did. Late one night after my father passed out, I snuck out and ran to the nearest bus stop. I had directions to follow to get to the school. I follow them exactly and freeze when I am finally standing in front of the school I hoped to be my new school.

Dominants Academy

I take a deep breath as I walk down the paved road further down until I reach the front doors. I glance down at my wrist where my mother's old watch sat and check the time. Eight A.M.

I finally open the door and walk in, looking around. The walls in the hallway were bare and grey. The floors were a dark wood and the heels on my boots clicked with every step I took. I keep walking until I ran into a wall.

"Watch where you're going," a voice snarled from above me, making me look up in surprise. My eyes met dark blue ones as soon as I looked up.

"I'm sorry," I mumble as I take a step back away from his intimidating stare.

"You should be," He snaps before walking off.

"Don't mind him," Another voice says from behind me. I turn around a see a boy with blond hair and light blue eyes. "You new here? I've never seen you around here before."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm new. Actually," I pause and look around and notice the halls started to clear. "Can you show me to the office?"

"Of course," He says with a handsome smile. "Come on."

I follow him and we walk for a minute before we reach a door that said 'office' on it. He opens the door and I thank him quietly before walking in. The lady sitting at the front desk looks up and smiles at me.

"Hello there, dear. How may I help you?" She asks politely.

"Hi. Um, my name is Rosie West. I - I read on your website that you help people with bad home lives." I say a little hesitantly.

"Indeed we do," She says and stands up. "I'll go tell the principal that you're here and he can explain everything to you. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great. Thank you," I say with a small smile of my own. She nods and knocks on a door before opening it and talking to someone inside.

"Come on, dear. He'll see you now." She says and I nod, walking over to the door and walking in. She shuts the door behind me and

"Hi, you must be Rosie," An older man says coming from around his desk to shake my hand. "I'm Principal Woods."

"It's nice to meet you, sir," I say and he smiles.

"Nice to meet you as well. Now, from what I gather, you ran away from home?" He questions as he walks back around his desk and sits down. He motions to a chair beside me and I sit down before answering him.

"Yes, my father was abusive and when I found out about this place, I took my chances," I reply.

"Ah. That is sadly a similar story to most people's from here. Now, do you know what this school is about?"

"Um... No. I just read that you train people who come here looking for safety after they run away."

"And did you wonder what we train people in?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I thought about it briefly but I would do anything to keep from going back to my father," I explain.

"Alright. Well, I'll explain then," He says. "We are a BDSM school. Do you know what that is?"

"No," I respond.

"BDSM stands for bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism. Or bondage and discipline, domination and submission, and sadism and masochism. BDSM is a lifestyle and a kink. Now, here at this school we teach people to push their limits and be trained to submit or to dominate, depending on which one you are. Now, we have a test for you to take in order to find out which one you are and it will also give you a lot of information that you would need to know."

"Huh," I say softly when he finished.

"You can take the test out in the office and if you have any questions feel free to ask Zoe up front." He says and hands me the packet of paper.

I nod and get up, walking to the door. "Thank you," I say before I walk out. The girl at the front desk, Zoe, smiles at me before motioning to a seat that I can sit on while I fill out the work.


It's been a week since I got to the school. During that week, I have gotten settled. I found my way around the school and had gotten to know some of the people here. I have learned a lot about this school and what it is about. Today is the day that scares me, if I'm being honest. 

Today, I'm getting my final test to determine what color I will be, which will determine my final classes and things like that. 

The way the school works is that there are levels. The levels are kind of like grades in a regular school. There's level 1, 2, 3, and 4. After level 4, you graduate. In theses levels, there are colors. The colors represent all kinds of different things, depending on the shade. For example, light pink stands for a girl who is a princess type little. A light sky blue is for boy's who were a princely little. Light purple would be for a kitten, and so on and so forth. The thing that I like is that it's easy to tell the difference in whether someone is a dominant or submissive because the doms have dark colors and the subs have light ones.  

"Rosie!" A voice yelled, snapping me from my thoughts. I look up and see the person who I hoped would be my best friend, Sarah. She had blonde short hair and pretty emerald green eyes. The colors on her name-tag were light pink, indigo, and ruby red. Indigo represents a pet type of little space, in her case it was puppy. And ruby red shows that she has a very high pain tolerance, a masochist. 

"What?" I question dumbly, not having heard what she said. 

She giggles and points to the door down the hall on the right. "I said, Jackson's ready for you." 

"Oh," I say with a giggle of my own. Jackson was the boy who was giving me my test of endurance. He was also the boy I had run into my first day. It was not going to be fun. I had heard he was very rough. Luckily, I knew him a little bit as he was part of my friend group. I get up and walk over to the door nervously. I passed Sam on the way who had been talking to Jackson. 

"Good luck, kiddo. We know you'll do great," Sam calls as he reaches Sarah. 

A hand lands gently on my shoulder and I lean up, looking into Jackson's dark blue eyes. He motions for my to go into the room and I do as told, walking in and chewing on my lower lip. I hear the door shut and lock, making my nerves skyrocket.  

"Rose," His voice calls and I turn around quickly. "Come here." I go over to his and look up at him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug. "Calm down, Princess. You're going to do great. I know it." 

I release a breath and allow my body to relax against him, enjoying his hug. He smells so good, I could get addicted to it. He knew just what to say to get me to calm down. I have to say, if I was going to end up with a crush on anyone, it'll be Jackson. 

"Okay..." I whisper, taking a small step back. He smirks down at me and nods. 

"Let's get started then." 

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