Chapter 5: Is Teamwork is the Dreamwork?

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.... I told ya to stop reading this book for the sake of your brain... Rip, not gonna warn you again, have fun Stupid (but in a nice way 😊)


A/N: May this long chapter please you...
We're here on a battlefield... Circled in the tight cold air as it was pressed against my cheeks.
All the guys were waiting for a combat for the girls team.
Our arms were ready for mostly the worst.
One screw up.. your out.


Oh, probably wondering what's happening right now, well...

||Earlier This Day||

"Zane what do your prefer, cookies or cupcakes?" Nana asked, showing me the batter of both subjects.

"Er, the usual, I guess.."

**Ding Dong**

"Hm? I'll get it."

I walked towards the door.
I twisted the nob and behind it, Aph and Aaron was there- holding snowballs instead of holding hands.

Something about to going on...











"P!!!" They both shouted.

They were sharing sentences... Oh crap.. they usually do this if they get into a fight..

Nana rushed out the door, dressed in a cute pink camouflage suit.

This can only get messy..

"ITS WAR ZANE! CIAO!!!" Nana yelled before climbing into a tree.
Four words:




I wasn't dressed up as a flipping retard like the other guys and girls were, especially Travis- he was stabbed in white to match the snow.

It's already bad enough that he has white hair, pfft.

We stand behind Aaron's and Aph's house, planning our plan while the other guys kept watch.

"Welcome to Mystreet War IV! Me and Aph are in a very straight relationship right now, so this may be dead ful."

Aaron explained, placing his bandanna on his eyes.

Geez, what do they argue about to make a whole war off of? When me and Nana get into disagreements, she just runs away in the basement and wait's for me to find her.

"Surgeon! We have a troop approaching us in approximately 11 minutes!" Warned Dante and Travis.

"Send out the back up, we can't win this without them."

Everyone gasped..

"R-Right surgeon!" They stuttered.

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