parents who fight

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author's note: this is a story I somewhat connect to, so I'm very sorry if this goes too deep. {trigger warning} because this might get dark. sorry if this makes you cry. also another thing, this is fiction, not something that happened irl (at least I hope not), and in no way am I saying that their parents fight. just wanted to make that clear. also, none of what kaycee says about herself is true (you'll see what I mean), and I don't mean anything she says, because I don't believe it. i'm speaking from personal experience.

ok that made no sense.

TL; rd: this one is kinda dark. the story is complete fiction inspired by something that happened in my life.


Sean's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of crying. I turned to see that Kaycee was sitting up on her side of the bed, head between her knees, curled up, crying her eyes out. I immediately jumped up and sat up in front of her, trying to lift her head up from her knees. She fought me on it, but at some point fell weak and gave in, lifting her face up to look at me. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face puffy, tears all over. I felt so heartbroken, I didn't know what to say or what to do.

"Kayc, why are you crying?..." was all I could say, barely being able to get it out.

She shook her head at me and threw herself into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her, trying my best to comfort her. I felt her tears soak through my shirt, her sobs becoming louder and louder. I felt so helpless. I didn't know what to do. All I could do was massage her back as she continued to cry.

"It's... it's all my... my fault..." she said, choking back her tears, her voice hoarse.

"What is angel?" I asked. Her words concerned me. What could have happened to make her think something was her fault. I'll hurt anyone who made her think this. I'll hurt whoever made her cry.

"My parents... They were fighting... I woke up to the sound of them yelling at each other. It's all my fault..." she said, her words quiet, in pain. I was shocked. I couldn't believe what she said.

"Angel... whatever they were fighting about, it's not your fault. Did you even hear what they were fighting about?" I asked, but she just shook her head. "So then it's definitely not your fault babe."

"Sean... it's all my fault. This isn't the first time they've fought. I've woken up to the sound of them fighting three times this month already. Every time, I feel like they're fighting about me." She looked straight into my eyes. They were filled with agony and torture. I hated seeing her in pain.

"Why's that Kayc? Why do you think they're fighting about you?"

"I don't know... I can just feel it." A tear fell from her eye as she said that.

"Kayc, they're not fighting about you. Trust me."

"It's all my fault... it's all my fault... it's all my fault..." she kept muttering under her breath.

"Alright Kaycee, STOP IT. It's NOT your fault." I snapped. I could see shock in her face when I did, and then she collapsed. She wrapped her arms around my torso, leaning her head against my chest. I felt so bad.

"I hate myself." she said under her breath. Oh she did not just say that.

"What was that? Kayc? What did you just say?" I could feel myself growing more and more distraught. I can't believe she just said that.

"What Sean? Do you need me to say it to you again? DO YOU NEED ME TO TELL YOU THAT I HATE MYSELF RIGHT NOW?" she snapped at me, whisper-yelling the last part at me. I was startled by this.



"Kaycee... Please don't say that... I can't hear you say that you hate yourself when I love you so much." I was choking back my tears.

"Sean. Why do you even love me? I'm a terrible person. I am the worst daughter, the worst friend, the worst girlfriend. My parents hate me. I bet all my friends are just faking being nice to me. And you, I've never understood why you love me. I'm so awkward. I don't want our relationship public, even though you do. I sometimes don't even let you touch me. . . " She continued to list reasons that I ended up ignoring.

"KAYCEE. SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE." I said, covering her mouth. Once I knew she'd stop talking, I took my arm away.

"Fine..." she said, looking down.

"Kaycee. I love you. Your parents love you. All your friends love you." I started. I could see her roll her eyes, but continued. "You said your parents hate you. Trust me, they could not be more proud of you. You built a whole brand! You inspire so many people to be themselves and not care what other people think about them. That would make any parent proud. They love you. You also said you think your friends are just being fake nice to you. Every single friend of yours that I also know always say how you brighten their day. Bailey, Tahani, everyone is always so much happier whenever you're in the room. The room literally lights up when you enter." I could tell she was now listening to what I was saying. "And Kaycee, I love you. I don't understand why you think I don't. All those things you said are not true. Sure, you're awkward, but not in the way you think you are. Your awkwardness is something that I love. Your awkwardness is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. When you and I are in public, you shy away from being too touchy. This is gonna sound crazy, but I love it, because it makes me work harder to earn your affection. I love it when you play hard to get. Speaking of our relationship in public. I don't think I've told you this, but I completely respect you wanting to hide our relationship. Even though I want to shout from the rooftops that you are mine. And honestly, because our relationship is a secret, I get you all to myself, which I love. Also, the touch thing. As I said, I love it when you play hard to get. It's honestly one of my favorite things you do to me. It drives me insane. I love you." My voice almost broke at those last words, because Kaycee finally looked into my eyes.

"Sean..." She shed a tear. "Sean... I love you." she said before leaning in for a kiss. This kiss was unlike any other we had ever shared. I could almost feel her pain be replaced with love. That sounds weird, but it's honest. As we parted, she looked into my eyes, a gave a small smile.

"Sean, thank you."

"No problem Angel. Just promise to never think those thoughts ever again. And at least tell me when you do, so we can work through it. Do you understand?" All she did was nod. "Ok, lets go back to sleep."

"Ok." she said, very softly, before laying down. I layed down as well, and she cuddled up to me, digging her face into my neck, placing her hand on my chest. She sighed, her breath making the hairs on my body stand. I wrapped my arms around her as tight as I could.

"I love you." she mumbled.

"Love you too Angel. Goodnight."


author's note: so that was kinda intense, and i didn't mean to go that dark. i'm really deeply sorry if this triggered anyone, that wasn't my intention.

Love yall. Hope you liked it.

♥️ Seaycee Oneshots ♥️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz