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(you and Jaeden have been hanging out for a month now)

I sat down on the park bench, waiting for Jaeden to show up. We've been doing this every day now, one of us gets to the park bench first, the other shows up, and we go and do something. We still haven't talked about the night we met (besides him thanking me every 5 seconds for the first few days we started hanging out), but I also just haven't asked. I feel like it would either result in him being upset or us arguing, so I'll just leave it alone. Not forever, but I'll leave it alone.

He finally showed up, sitting down next to me. 

"Hey." He said, putting his arm on the armrest thing on the bench.

"Hey, Jae." I said, leaning back. He laughed. 

"That rhymed."

"You rhymed"


"Shh, what are we doing today?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Uhhh, we could just walk around. I've never actually like, walked around this area."

"Sure." He stood up. I did too, and we walked out of the park. 

"Uh, where now?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"How about we go that way? We can just stop if we see something interesting."I agreed, and we started walking. After a minute some girls came from the other direction. Jaeden froze. He grabbed my arm, putting his finger up to his lips and pulling me into an alleyway. A minute later they walked past the dumpster we were hiding behind. One was wearing a shirt with the clown from the IT movie that came out a while ago, the other had a Twenty One Pilots hoodie. (which I loved, I wanted to tell her but I realized we were hiding from them." I tried listening in on their conversation.

"I know, did you hear Jaeden changed his last name to Martell??"

"No! That's gonna be hard to get used to. Why do you think he did it?"

"I don't know, I just heard he's closer with his mom."

"Oooo, think his dad did something?"

"I don't know, none of our business though. I like his mom anyway."

"Okay but I heard he lives in this city. We HAVE to find out, do you know how popular we could get for finding out??"

"For invading his privacy? No. Whether his did did something or not isn't our business, we should just be happy that he can be closer with his mo-"

"His mom hasn't even posted for a while. Like she disappeared."

Jaeden's head dropped. Are they talking about him?

"Yeah that's weird, but again, not our business. Anyway, did you see that Calpurnia is..."

I didn't hear the rest, they got too far away. I looked over at Jaeden. He kept opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say. He looked like he was about to cry. 


"You wanna just go back to mine and do something instead?" I asked, not wanting to see him upset. He just nodded, walking back out onto the street. Halfway back home, I realized our hands were still together and I quickly pulled mine back, putting it in my pocket. I remembered what I wanted to say about the girl's shirt from earlier.

"I still haven't seen the IT movie, do you think it's on hulu? My friend Levi is obsessed with it and told me I would like it. He was all, you would LOOOVE Jack"

Jaeden's eyes widened. 

"Uh, I don't think it's on- you probably wouldn't like it it's not even that good." He said quickly, looking down at the ground.

"Even if it isn't, Levi wants me to go to this convention to meet the whole cast for the movie. Might as well know the movie."

"He what??"

"He wants me to go to this-"

"No I heard, never mind. Sorry. I uh, just don't like horror movies. Is another time fine?"

"You said you liked them yesterday."


"Jae, I'm not dumb. I know they were talking about you. And that girl was wearing a shirt with the movie on it. What is going on??"


"I'm not gonna be mad I just wanna know what's going on man, you can't make me hide from some random girls on the street and tell me not to watch the movie they were talking about without explaining anything."


I looked at him for a minute, then I started laughing. I felt bad because he looked scared, but I couldn't stop.

"Jae, I'm not mad, It's literally not a big deal, I just don't want some big group of girls chasing me around because they wanna marry you or something or want to ask me things about your personal life. It wouldn't matter because I know nothing about it, but they sound kinda wild." He laughed, looking relieved, paying no attention to the last part of it. We walked back to my house. 

"Okay can we watch the movie now?" I asked. He laughed and nodded, and we went up the stairs to my room and turned it on."

Aquiver (Jaeden Martell/Lieberher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now