Muhsin pulled her into his arms, he couldn't say a word. All that has happened broke him too but he had to be the man. He had to be the comforter, not the comfortee. Hanan only got half of the story. That was what the elders agreed to give her, half of the gist. But Ummi told him, it was Abdulrahman's mom. She was repeatedly creating a scene back home. She wanted her granddaughter with her son, not with her late daughter in-law's brother. It was so unbelievable to the family when she first mentioned it, even Abdulrahman couldn't believe his mom would do that. But she kept insisting, until stopping by and saying few words became stopping by and creating a scene. Not even Abdulrahman nor his dad could make her understand the irrationality in her act. Until she told Abdulrahman she would curse him if he doesn't get his daughter back which left him no other choice but to plead with the Khaleed's to let him have Iman. And that was the reason Iman was going home. Except that it was only for Muhsin to know, it wouldn't be of any help making Hanan direct her anger towards Abdulrahman and his mother. But with Maama's made up reason, she might come to understand someday.
13th May, 2017
"Hanan what are you still doing in here? It's time for you to board the plane." Hameeda uttered, walking into the washroom.

Hanan washed her face with the warm water running from the tap. "I was just leaving." She said, adjusting her hijab.

Hameeda stood in front of her, then placed her hands on her shoulders. "Please don't worry too much Hanan. You will be fine In Shaa Allah. Hanifa's wedding is in less than a month, which means you will be home in less than a month. You will be with Iman in less than a month In Shaa Allah. You might even be able to convince them to let her go back with you, who knows!"

Hanan let out a faint smile. She had less than a month before her divorce, if only she could tell Hameeda that. But that's a story for another day. When the time comes, she would know. "Of course, I might convince them then." She mumbled, and Hameeda gave her a warm hug.

"What about you and Salman?" Hanan asked.

Hameeda bit her lower lip to barricade the heat that was creeping up her face. "We are not doing that now Hanany. You will miss your flight. Come on, we will talk In Shaa Allah." She grasped Hanan's hands and pulled her out with her.

When they joined the others, Muhsin and Hanan said they farewells. Their flight which was flying them to Paris was leaving first. Huda was out of sight, which didn't go unnoticed by the couple.

"Where is Huda?" Hanan asked.

"I saw her talking to someone around there. Let me go get her." Janan answered.

"No, let them talk. We are already late." Hanan uttered, trying not to look at Iman but she did.

The little girl shoved her hands in her direction, wanting her to take hold of her. But Hanan couldn't bring herself to. She swallowed to fight back the tears that threatened to run down her cheeks, kissed Iman's temple, then glanced at the others and uttered a "Ma'assalamah" before turning to her heels. Muhsin waved at them, picked up their luggage and followed suit. From a distance, she could here the little girl wailing. But she was not hers to hold anymore.

The flight to America was leaving next, which meant Habib and Hameeda were leaving right after the celebrity couple. There was a ten minutes time interval between the flights and Habib decided to say goodbye to Huda.

Two nights before, when he saw her crying by the pool, he sat there to comfort her and to his biggest surprise, she didn't say a word to him. She just cried and cried and cried until she could cry no more before she wiped the tears off and washed her face. None of them spoke a word to the other, they just stayed there in silence for sometime, until she got up and made her way to her room. But he followed her. He didn't try to keep up with her pace, he was slow and careful. He just wanted to make sure she was back in her room safely and when he watched her get back in, he left.

And the day before, when they met while setting out to Nusa Dua. She looked at him and smiled. She didn't say anything even then, she just smiled. And then he thought that was her 'I don't hate you anymore'. Maybe she was finally willing to bury the hatchet. But then that was all he got, that smile, the first one he ever got from her.

He sighted her going through a magazine. Her tired eyes that must have lacked sleep swayed across the words she was reading. Her lips were dry, she licked them at random intervals. She looked serene, yet it was crystal clear that she was tired.

"Assalamu alaikum (Peace be upon you)" He greeted.

Her gaze darted from the book to his face. "Wa alaikumus salaam (peace be upon you too." She answered, the smile on her face stunned him.

"Sit" She said, pointing at the chair next to his.

That made him smile in amazement. "No thank you, I just wanted to say goodbye." He paused, staring at her as the smile on her face absconded and she nodded.

"It was nice meeting you again Huda. And yes, please stop crying over the lost sunshades. You lost it for a reason only Allah knows." He orated, staring into those dark eyes that might soon start haunting him.

She chuckled softly, she understood where his lost sunshade story was going. "In Shaa Allah, thank you. Have a safe flight."

"Thank you and same goes to you." They shared a smile, before Habib twirled around to leave but she stopped him.

"Habib." She called. That was the second time she called his name, he counted inwardly. He didn't know why he did, but he still did. There was something about his name being said by her. It meant a lot to him for some unknown reason.

"Can I borrow your phone?" She asked, and he nodded before passing the phone over to her.

She punched her digits and dialed. When her phone rang, she passed over his phone to him. "The name is Huda Abdullah."

Oh that lady was full of surprises. First it was the awkward smile, then she offered him a seat, she wished him a safe flight and now she gave him her digits. What exactly is going on in her head?

"Habib Shafiq." He said, taking few steps backward.

"Habib Shafiq." She repeated. "I owe you a thank you the next time we meet again." She batted her eyelashes slowly and charmingly.

And now she was looking forward to another meeting. Maybe that was the beginning of something beautiful? Or maybe not? But Habib loved the change. He loved what he felt too. If she personally asked to see him again, then of course he would come, he would definitely come.

"We shall meet again." He smiled, then put his shades on and marched away.

If we meet again, fine, we shall smile. If not, then this farewell takes 'forever and ever, farewell Habib Shafiq'.
End of chapter.

Hello sweethearts❤️ How are y'all? Good In Shaa Allah.

Chapter is short? Yeap, I know. Longer one coming soon In Shaa Allah.

So what about Muhammad and Janan?🤷🏻‍♀️

Okay, guys June 10th is just around the corner. But we still have pieces to pick up in Paris🤷🏻‍♀️ So yeah, we are going back there to pick those pieces.

I am already in love with what's coming next😹 But hey, you might not love what I love. So don't rejoice yet🤭



Endless Summer🌞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz