Chapter 8

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Lucas POV;
I was in the schools gardening when I saw her, with the way hair was cascading down her back and blowing in the wind and how her she laughs with her friend Sophia, gosh she so fucking beautiful, how I wish I could hold in my arms and lift her up and kiss so deeply, but I can't because I don't want any trouble from her, because she seems freaked out, when she sees me, but that can be cleared if I can find the right moment. Afterwards I walk towards her and greeted her. Hey I said. Oh Hi Lucas, what's up. Wow the way she answered me looks like she is in a good  mood, I better not spoil it. Oh same old thing, I shrugged. She rolls her eyes, um okay see you later. Wait! can we talk, I asked. Oh okay, what do want to talk about,she questioned. Well I want  to know you better, I said thoughtfully. Oh wow what do want to know, she said sending her hair back. Well everything, I said thoughtfully. OK well I'm a vampire princess, I ugh! I love to read,play,make noise,disturb and I am 500 years old sought off, she explained. Hmm OK, I said. Anything else she asked. Well can we be friends, I asked sheepishly. Well why? She asked and it broke me. Well I'm new and in need of guidance and a friend, I shrugged. Hmm okay but that is if Sophia is okay with it and I will have to ask her later okay!she replied. Yeah so later then right, I said. Yeah see ya,and she went into the class.
   Soon I walked into the school's hall way and into  my class for the day, but I bumped into Sophia. Hey S. I said
Well that was strange, she replied. Yeah, we have met before, remember when I asked about your friend, Victoria. I explained. Oh yeah, weird guy, she laughs. Um well I would prefer if you'd call me Lucas. I said. Oh right Lucas got, so want can I do for you, if its about Victoria, forget it she won't answer. She shrugged. Oh!? Actually she has, in fact she said she will be my friend. I smirked. Wait what?!!!!, how in the world did she agree, she snapped. Well she was in a happy mood so I just asked her and she obliged, duh!, I replied. I can't believe this she said going into the class.
   Sophia POV:
Gosh I am so going to kill that girl. Vick, do you have a minute I said sitting on her table and ignoring are glares. Yeah, but after you get the fucking hell off my table. Nuh!huh! until you tell me the hell agreed to be friends with Lucas, I yelled. Oh about, I was meaning to tell you it, I cut her short. You could have called me has soon has he asked you, you chicken, I replied. Well I didn't know and I'm sorry babe, don't  worry I will make it up to you,she suggested. How?. I asked. Um we could do girls night in my palace and we could watch scary movies and stay up all night gossiping, she said. Hmm okay, but no boys allowed okay, I replied. Well okay.
   Victoria POV:
It was evening and was sitting in my room on the floor, thinking. God why is my life like this, and this  Lucas guy shows up and asks to be my friend and I gave in, why didn't I say no, but I could not, he was so gorgeous I'm a bad boy kind of way, his black wavy hair slip back and the way he smiles, its to gorgeous and hot and he has broad chest  and it was tempting me to run my hands through it hand take him, but I can't because I have a mate and be is a werewolf and I like him but Lucas is a vampire and it's great but I don't think I can bring my self to be a slut and the whole race will now into war because I fell for a vampire and Collins would actually kill anyone that would get in his way.  God, this is so depressing, how I wish could just run away. Just then my phone started ringing and I saw the caller ID. Oh no its Collins. I gulped and answer the phone. Hey I said sheepishly. Hey love how are you? He asked. Um I'm good, but why did you call is anything wrong, I asked. Well No! Just that I keep thinking about you Victoria,sighs. Look I'm sorry for kissing you like that, I didn't mean to let it happen I was just drawn to my love, he said. Oh Collins I can't stop thinking about you either, but you know this thing between us can't happened unless you want to end up dead. I said thoughtfully. Sighs okay, just so you know you can come to my house any time, not the palace, he said. Wait what?! You are a Prince?, I was shocked. Well yes I am of the werewolf my dad I stage king. He said. Woah!! That's is surprising, why are you telling me this now, I asked. Well in case you wanna come ov...wait wait Collins I ain't coming to that palace even if I felt like it. I cut him. Well I didn't mean you could go there, hell No!! My dad will have you killed in seconds Victoria so No don't go there, you could come to my own mansion in the city, he suggested. Oh that seems convincing but that's doesn't mean I would come though, I said thoughtfully. Okay ! I have to go know, I'm quite busy with some stuff, bye he replied. Hmm okay bye,and he caught the phone. Just then I heard a knock on bedroom door, who is it I yelled, its me Sophia replied, oh come in. Hey chick what's up, she asked feeling concerned. Oh nothing I was just on the phone with Collins. Suddenly the place became silent. Ugh!??? Why the he call, she asked. Well I don't know, anyways did you know that Collins is a Prince. I said. What?! Spitting out the the chips she kept in her mouth when she got into the room , when did that happen and how did you know this, she asked cleaning her mouth. Ewww!! First thanks for the chips and second he told me earlier over the phone. I replied. O
Woah!!!!! That's strange, anyways forget about that because we are having girls night so go and shower now and get in your night wear now, she scolded. Oh okay!! Mom , I teased. While sticking my tongue out like a child. Don't sass me and get going. So after that I got into the shower and had a bathe then got out and dressed in my short and tank top that hugged by boobs and body. Woah!! When I say dress I didn't mean to seduce me!, she laughs. Awe I didn't know you said I shou....suddenly there was a loud crash from outside the palace and I got frightened. Ahhh!!! I shouted. Shush!!!  Stop yelling you cat!, she teased. What! ,I wasn't yelling and was shouting, I defended myself. Yeah what ever they are all the same, she said. Anyways let's go and check it out,I said. Are fucking serious, she cursed. Yeah I am and stop being a baby Sophia and let's go. I said thoughtfully. Okay but we get trapped or caught I'm blaming you, she accused. Whatever a baby, I teased. Wait how I'm I the baby one , your the that screamed, she said. So? I said folding my arms and glaring at her. She smirks oh now you admit it. No I do not, look let's go before we argue all night, I suggested. Okay fine Sophia said. 
Then after we went through my window and wonder of into the thick Forest.
  Slow down Vick, Sophia yelled. What!, I can't slow down Soph when we are in the middle of no where and my home could be anywhere around, I snapped. Oh shut your whining, you  child, she teased. Well sorry Mrs brave, I glared. Oh no worries I'll leave, I mean I know like the back of my mad. Oh would you two stop your bickering, someone trailed. AHHHHH!!!! we shouted. Ugh! What? U look like you have seen a ghost, Stephanie replied. Well yes! We just did, Sophia said. Huh?? Where where? She asked jumping on me. Get off me you troll, Sophia snapped. Oh sorry, she replied. Anyways what the bloody hell are you looking for in this forest. Victoria said. Well I was looking for someone, she trailed. Well who? We asked. Lucas,she said. What?? We snapped. Why in the world would look for him, I said feeling irritated. Well he is my new boyfriend, she said smirking. His ? What? Sophia snapped. Well duh, we've been dating for two days now, she smiled. Oh lord I think I'm gonna puke, Victoria said sounding irritated. Look Steph I'm not going to believe what I just heard and think I'm having a nightmare, Sophia said. Well your not someone said at the back of Stephanie while siding his hand to her hips. Ahhh!!!!!! Me and Victoria shuddered. What the hell is going on, another one spoke at the back of the tree. Ahhh!! Me and Sophia groaned. Okay I think this is getting all weird, Victoria said. Why? Collins said. Because 1 where the hell are coming from and 2 when did Stephanie and Lucas Started dating, I shuddered at that last word. What is it a crime Lucas smirked. Oh no it isn't , Sophia shuddered while hold herself. Okay let me get this straight you two are dating? Victoria asked. Well if you put like that yeah and No!, Lucas smirked. No!I and Sophia snapped. Yeah No!. Then why where you all touchy for a moment , we said in unison. Well we are just friends with benefit, Lucas shrugged. Oh wow! Collins chipped in. Yeah wow! Lucas trailed. And she's cool with it, Collins said. Well yeah, Stephanie' replied. Oh lord I think I'm dreaming, Victoria said, look Sophia pinch me I think must be having a nightmare, I said. Okay!!she said, then pinches me. Ouch!! That hurt, Victoria said. Well you I should so..So!! I'm not dreaming, I cut her off. Look guys its nice seeing you but we most get going, I said. Why where are you going Vick,Collins asked.Well we are going to find the not job!!!! that broke my bedroom window, I snapped. Oh sorry but isn't too late, its a school night you know, Collins suggested. Well yeah,sighs okay we would go back, I replied. Okay! Collins said. Hello Earth to gross!!! You guys can't go kissing in front of us there are children here, Sophia snapped. Yeah, Wait!What?? What do mean children, Victoria asked. Well yeah I you and Collins are babies in this kind of stuff, she teased. Ugh you are so doom when we get home Sophia, I snapped. Ladies Ladies take it slow, Lucas smirked. Stay out of this we snapped. Okay look I'm sorry and I'm going home see ya. Right there he dashed off. Yeah sorry guys, I hope you sought this one out, Stephanie replied. And dashed off too leaving me, Sophia and Collins alone. Great they left us, Sophia groaned. Well I'm going home too Collins said. Then he dashed off. Good lord look Vick I'm sorry I didn't mean to flare up like that I should have known better than to argue with my best friend, she apologized. Awe Soph I'm sorry too okay let's head back then we can continue with what we where doing okay,Victoria suggested. Okay! Sophia replied. So later that night we got back home and did all the fun stuff and continued to talk about Lucas and Stephanie, which is actually kind of gross then a little about Collins then we slept of on my over sided princess sized bed.

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