losing my grip in the grey

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// how did this happen how did we end up in this situation 
// they where talking to jack and he got angry but he stopped like he heard something but he was deaf too, who did he hear.......it was pitch 
// .........
// they all yell seeing jack lifted off the ground by his hoodie by black dream sand
"Let 'im go Pitch!"
// bunny yelled having his weapon in his hand ready to throw at him
"Haha sorry rabbit, I can't do that."
// he laughed and bunny threw his weapon at him, he missed
"You really are all idiots, you don't see the power this child beholds within him, I was going to have this child join me but he is far to powerful."
// they all looked to him anger on their faces
"You see how strong he is, he has no believers just think about when he does, and there's no way am letting him stay on your side."
// he said, smiling
"Put 'im down Pitch!!"
// pitch pulled him up more, jack was grunting and grasping for air 
"Fine, I will. But I warned you."
// he throws him up a bit then dark dream sand cuts threw his stomach
// he coughs up blood and his eye widened he falls down limping
// the brothers collapse and also start to bleed pitch had kill them as well
// they all yelled
"If I can't have him, then no one will."
// he laughs and disappeared into the shadows
// bunny runs after him but then hears a whimper 
// he runs to him and pulls his neck up a bit to look at him, what he saw made him shudder
// jack was bleeding far to much from his stomach and he was twitching and jerking badly quick and shallow breaths escaped his now white lips and dark shadow under his eyes
// bunny panicked but tried to remain calm
"Don't worry kiddo, we are going to fix you up right as rain. just hang on."
// he told him, jack moved his head to the noise, he shakes his head at what bunny said
"Jack you can hear us."
// tooth said and he nodded
"You going to be okay, don't give up on me kid or there will be hell to pay."
// jack moves to bunny and coughs up blood a lot tooth holds him down a bit she started cry keeping quiet so he won't hear her sobs
// he started panting and whimpering in pain, he opened his mouth and started to stutter
// he smiled 
"Y-You remember...."
// another nod more blood comes up he starts coughing and he chest is twitching from the pain, bunny holds on and rubs his back he is some what great full that jack can't see his face
// they die down and he is moving his head again in a funny manner to look for bunny and the others
// he signs and breaths slowly
"Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing.....never stop believing in youself.."
// he signed breathing slowly and tired
"I never will...."
// bunny said they all sadly nod to the childs words of encouragement
// he smiles a bit maybe he heard the nods
// he eyes slowly start to close
"Hey! Frostbite! keep your eyes open."
// he yelled holding his hand and shaking him a bit
// he breaths deepen and sallow another twitch of the chest and coughing blood up and heaving air afterwards, he stares up and smiles again
// speaking slowly but clear no sutter
"Takk venner....."
// he spoke in an unknown language, his head rolled slowly down and his eye slip closed, mouth relaxed and chest no longer raising with air or pain....just peaceful winds coming from nowhere
"Frostbite! Wake up!? come on wake up, wake up come on!?"
// he stopped breathing
// bunny yelled, tooth and everyone looked away tears in all their eyes
"Their gone...*sniff* *gasp* their all gone...."
// she sobbed loudly putting her hands in her face
// bunny yelled and North wanted to as well
// jacks face looked so peaceful and relaxed even the brothers looked at peace
// their world became darker and darker for the death of a child....
// the battle was far from over

"Musing through memories,
Losing my grip in the grey.
Numbing the senses,
I feel you slipping away.
Fighting to hold on,
Clinging to just one more day
Love turns to ashes,
With all that I wish I could say."

"I'd die to be where you are...."
"I tried to be where you are...."

"Every night, I dream your still here."
"The ghost by my side, so perfectly clear."
"When I awake, you'll disappear. Back to the shadows with all I hold dear."
"With all I hold dear, I dream your still here."

"Every night, I dream your still here."
"Ever slightly out of reach, every night I dream your still, every night I dream your still here."
"But it's breaks so easily."

Takk venner in Norwegian means (Thank you, friends)

Rise of the Guardians [A New Story]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin