Believe in Me

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  // jack was in the healing room while the others where talking and then they ended up in jack's memories
" 'ow the bloody hell did we get here?" // bunny said
"I have no idea, wait look at all those children guys." // she pointed over to the little part of the woods with kids playing
"Everyone! its the Easter Bunny! Look!" // one girl with short blonde hair said
"Hey ya little anklebiters, Happy Easter." // he said patting the girl's head
"Wait Bunny is that you?" // tooth said
"Yeah it is but why...?"
"Oh no!" // another little girl said
"What is it Anna!? why are you yelling?" // a little boy said going to her
"Where is Meliodas!? Guys we have to find him! He He He!"
"Woah Woah kiddo, calm down we'll find him okay." // past bunny said, she nodded crying
"Please we have to find him." // she said and he patted her head
"Don't worry, you all stay put and look around here and I'll go look over there far more away okay?" // they all nod and he leave more far in the woods
"Where are you going bunny?" // she said\\ "I don't know this is getting crazy" // he said north nodded
// walking more there was a taller looking person looked to be a teenager not to old but still young and he was carrying a bunny doll and humming to himself
// bunny didn't know if this was the kid they where talking about so he walked around slowly if he was a teen he wouldn't see him anyway
"Who is that?" // tooth said, he had medium brown hair and was wearing a brown vest with a long sleeved white shirt and also had a staff next to him
"I don't know, I guess we are about to find out though" // he said, the past bunny was still slow looking at the teen till he moved
"Why are you hiding? Why not come on out, Twinkletoes~" // he said in a thick accent, bunny jumped and the teen laughed
"Haha why so scared huh? I won't hurt you~" // bunny was in front of the teen and bent down to his level
"You-You can see me?" // he said
"No not really." // he said \\ "Wait then how can you hear me?" //bunny said\\ "Well of course I can hear you, but ya know it's hard to see anything when your blind" // they all gasped
"Wait that's Jack guys!?" // tooth said \\ "Bunny you never said you meet Jack when he was human?" // north said \\ "I-I never remembered...I can't believe it..." // he said
"Wait your blind....." // he said \\ "Yes I am, am guessing you never seen a blind person before? Let alone a child am guessing?" // He moved his hand up \\
"No I have, wait....a child how old are you?" // he asked \\ "I'm 13~, going to be 14 next month, the childern are really excited." // he smiled \\ "Your 13 almost 14 and you believe in me?"
"Yes of course, if they say you are real then I believe them." // he said \\ "Really?" // He nods \\ "Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing." // he smiled at him \\
"Wow kiddo you really are something else ya know that..." // bunny said, he laughed \\ "Haha that's what am told yes?" // he tilted his head \\ "Can I see what you look like? I never really believed from the children that you where a bunny?" // he asked \\ "Haha sure kid" // he sat down and jack started feeling his face \\ "Oh wow!? they where right! ahaha! funny enough I always liked bunnies." // he said with a chuckle and bunny laughed too \\ "So you must be Meliodas?" // he asked \\ "Woah how did you know!?" // he jumped up a bit \\ "The kids are looking for ya, ya know?"
"Oh bloodly!? I forgot! they must be worrying sick by now!" // he tried to stand up but he shoke a bit \\ "Woah kid I'll take ya to them." // he picked him up and 'Meliodas' gasped \\
"Oi!" // he grab bunny's neck \\ "It's okay I got ya kiddo" // he laughed \\ "Oh wait!" "hmm what?" // bunny asked \\ "My bunny and staff" // he pointed to where he thought the ground was bunny picked both up and looked at the bunny a bit \\ "You have a doll?" // he asked \\ "Yes Anna gave it to me, she didn't want me to be lonely plus he knew I liked bunnies so it was a big plus ahaha~" // he laughed and held it close to him \\ "Alone?" // he said "Yes I don't have a family, I live up more in the woods near a lake." // bunny frowned the kid was alone with no family \\
"Don't be sad, am not I have the childern and now you know me so its okay~" // he smirked \\ "Meliodas!!!!" // she screamed and ran up to bunny and he put him down and Jack sat on the grass and hugged her \\ "Yes sweetheart?" // she pouted \\ "You scared me! Don't do that ever again" // she cried \\ "Am sorry sweetheart, I'll never do that again okay I promise." // she nods \\
"Thank you Easter Bunny~!" // she said\\ "No Problem kiddo." // he said and jack stood up and walked a bit holding his staff close \\ "Let's find eggs now~" // he said they cheered and ran around to find them \\ "Would you like to help bunny?" // he asked \\ "Aster." // he said \\ "My name" // he smiled jack smirked \\ "Would you like to help us Aster?" // his accent was really thick this time bunny laughed \\ "Sure kiddo." // he messed up his hair \\ "Hahaha!" // he laughed \\
"He was so happy.....and his name was Meliodas not Jack..." // tooth smiled sadly \\ "Yeah he did look happy.." //bunny said\\ // then they started moving to a place near a lake it was winter. \\
"Wait where are we now?" // bunny said and the other where looking around then saw two people over where the lake was, one was sitting next to the lake and the other was on it
"Meliodas!" // she said \\ "Yes sweetheart?"
"Its Jack!" // tooth yelled \\ "I wish you could do this too Meliodas...." || "It's okay, just hearing you laugh is enough for me." // he laughed \\ "Melio-!" // a cracking sound \\
"What happened?! Anna!" // he yelled getting up \\ "No stay there!!! Please!" // she yelled \\ "What happened tell me now the truth!" // he yelled \\ " cracking...."
// he gasped and picked up his staff \\ "I'm coming okay, stay calm." // he said getting close she screamed \\ "No Meliodas! stay away!" // she said \\
"Sweetheart.....your going to be have to BELIEVE in me." // he smiled softly \\ "......" // she smiled and tears came out \\ " scared.."
"I know sweetheart, but I promise I won't let anything happen to you okay?" // he said stepping on the ice it cracked and he moved his head to the noise looking for her \\
"Sweetheart I need you to keep talking, tell me....tell me about...ahh yes the easter bunny!" // he said walking a bit more \\ "What does he look like? how tall is he?"
// she looked up \\ "He looks like a big cool rabbit, and he is very tall way taller than you. ahaha" // she laughed another crack he moved more and closer move his head very fast to the sounds
"I see, now tell me is he your favorite?" // he said \\ "Yes he is, ever since he found you." // he couldn't help but laugh at that \\ "Haha I see.~" // he said
"Meliodas, we really need to cut your hair soon." // she laughed, he laughed \\ "I thoughts you liked my hair long?" || "I do, but I never seen it short before." //he smiled at that\\ "Well of course not's can'ts really cut's hair when you's can't sees its?" // he said, she said nothing just frowning but it's like he saw it cause he sighed and chuckled a bit\\
"Haha okay once we get out of this how about I let you cut my hair okay?" // he said she nods but quickly says a yes\\
// a crack and he pulls her out of the way \\ "Got you!" // he pushed her so far he was on the ice now \\
// they both started laughing and he stood up and laughed smiling she was safe.....a loud crack \\
"Meliodas!!!!!!" // she reached out but it was to late he fell threw arm in the air falling threw.
"Jack!!!!" // they yelled \\ // he was under water and he went far more down he closed his eyes, he was lifeless \\
"Its night?" // north said \\
// just then they saw Jack come up out of the lake lifted in the air breathing and taking big breaths and slowly opening his eyes still blind and unseeing
"*Gasp* Ahahah *pants*" // his hair is white and his skin is paler than the snow itself \\ // he moved his head to the moon and smiled a bit\\
// he touched the ground and it frost and he started laughing and dancing around he looked so happy, he flew high into the sky and stop soon hitting the ground hard, the others wanted to help him but they could not but he rubbed his head and got back up
// he heard a sound of someone and went to ask them something but nothing came out
// just then the person walked pasted him and they watched his face in horror as more people walked pasted him
"*pants* ahaha! *gasp*" // he moved his head around trying to talk to them but no one listened no one came and sighed sadly leaving into the cold dark night \\ // next they where in the woods again a little girl crying and other kids comforting her \\
"It's not your fault Anna, he wouldn't want you to blame yourself for this..." // he said \\ // she cried harder \\
"It's my fault.....all my fault........ Meliodas..... am so sorry." // she cried \\
// jack was on the tree frowning, he looked like he didn't know what to do he had the strong need to go to her to hug her to tell her it was okay, but his eyes became more white more pale and he seemed at a cross roads \\
// instead he left leaving a flower near the grave they made for him \\
// they where back in north's work shop \\
"He died before becoming a......." // she started to cry \\ "He saved her, that's why he chose him.....he didn't care about his life only hers..." // bunny said \\ "He turly is a Guardian."
// they hear a crash and a thud//
"Jack!" // they yelled going to see what had happened  

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