Chapter 3

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Dylan woke up from the incessant ringing of his phone. He answered it without even checking who's calling.

"Hello" he said groggily.

"Hi Dylan! Did I wake you up? Sorry! I just thought you are up and about now since it is almost noon! So how are you?" a perky feminine voice said on the other line. A voice Dylan doesn't recognize.

He looked at his phone and true enough, only a number was displayed.

"Who is this?" He said with a tinge of irritation on his voice. He only got to bed two hours ago. He pulled an all-nighter to finish his school paper.

"I am Yue. Shen Yue? We met the other day at my dad's office building."

Dylan inwardly groaned. "How did this annoying girl know my number?"

"Come on. I know you remember me. I even wrote my number in your book. Apologies for that by the way. I know I am not supposed to do that but I was afraid you would just throw it away if I wrote my number on a piece of paper." Yue said.

"Look, I don't want to be rude. But how, why and where in the hell did you get my number?" Dylan said through gritted teeth.

"Your dad gave it to me. I didn't know you were Uncle Chen's son. That day, I heard him and my dad talking about you. So I told him I already met you but you forgot to give me your number. So I asked for it and he willingly gave it to me."

"Oh and he even said that I could call you anytime and we should be friends. Since you just came back from New York and you don't have many friends. Besides, you didn't call me so I decided to just call you myself. So do you want to hang out today?" Yue blabbered without even pausing.

Dylan couldn't believe his ears. His dad gave this extremely infuriating girl his number! And what made her think that he wants to be friends with her? She is the most exasperating girl he has the misfortune to meet. He couldn't deal with her now. His brain is still not functioning and he really is tired.

Unable to control his annoyance anymore, he lashed "Look, Ms. Shen. I still haven't had a proper rest. And if it is okay with you, I would like to go back to sleep. Please don't call me. Just wait for me to call you. Okay?" Then he ended the call without even waiting for her response. And turned his phone off.

Yue could not believe it. The nerve of Dylan Wang to just end the call like that. No one has ever done that to her ever. She tried calling again but his phone was already unattended.

Oh well, she'll let that pass today. But she is Shen Yue. She does not give up that easily.

"Next time we meet Dylan, I am going to make sure you will like me." She told herself.

She dialed the number of her father's assistant. "Hello Fen. Are you busy? I need your help ..."


Dylan is in the coffee shop doing his assignment and waiting for his three friends to arrive, when suddenly someone sat on the seat opposite him.

"Finally! I have been waiting for ages!" Dylan said without glancing up from what he was doing.

"Really? If I had known you were waiting for me, I should have come here sooner" a female voice said.

Surprised, Dylan looked up and his eyes widened when he saw who it was "Yue?! What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you, what else?" Yue said sweetly.

Dylan just stared at her like she was mental or something.

Yue let out a laugh. "I was just kidding! Don't be too serious Di! I am waiting for my cousin Jiaqi and I happened to see you so I thought I'd say hi."

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