Chapter 8

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"Why don't you kids go back to the living room?" The professor said to the ST☆RISH singers. They all looked at each other and finally agreed.

But then Camus and Ranmaru stayed behind. When Cecil asked them for the reason, they didn't replied.

"Just do what the professor told you to do, baka-neko," Cecil was about to protest when Ittoki grabbed Cecil's arm and then dragged him away.

"Camus, is that how you teach your student?"

"That is just how his attitude is, it is beyond my powers to change him," Camus replied and then looked ast the other side and blushed.

"But then, Camus-kun, aren't you a court serving a queen in Permafrost?" Camus nods and then suddenly, his sceptre appeared out of nowhere, making Ran back a little and the professor's glass shine and then smirked.

"How are you able to do that?"


"There's no such thing as magic," When the professor said this, Camus eyed the professor.

"Magic is real...!"

"Magic is just of like the science," The professor said. (◣_◢)

"Oh boy," Ranmaru said and then released a sigh.


"Otoya," Ichinose started. "Just what are you doing?"

He looked at Ittoki who was about to open a door when he heard Ichinose's voice which caused every ST☆RISH member to turn and looked at him. Ittoki raised both of his arms up and then avoided Ichinose's gaze when Ichinose looked at him.

"N-nothing..." Ichinose stood up and then Ittoki was about to close the door slightly when Natsuki was chasing Syo, making him eat some cookies he made. Syo, who had no way to go, pushed Ittoki and Ichinose aside and enter the room.

"Syo~chan, you can't just enter someone else's room without permission," Natsuki told Syo as the other ST☆RISH members poke their heads at the door to look at Syo.

"I-I-I-It was your fault in the first place! Making me eat those poisonous cookies...." Syo exclaimed.

"A-anyway, Kurusu, get out of there," Hijirikawa said. Syo nodded. He placed his hand at the edge of the table and when he stood up, his elbow accidentally knocked a picture frame off the table. Syo picked the picture frame and when he saw the picture inside the frame, he inhaled deeply.

"I wonder what kind of a person Aine-san was..." Syo mumbled. Coincidentally, Ittoki was somewhat near to where Syo stand and overheard what Syo mumbled. He stood beside him and when he saw what he was looking, he smiled a little bit.

It was somewhat a stolen picture of Aine and Reiji. Aine holding a paper and Reiji teasing him about it.

"Oi!" Ichinose shouted and both of them jumped and Syo dropped the frame that caused the glass to shatter a little.

"Now look at what you've done," A voice from behind said and when they turned around, they see Kei and Katakiri standing just behind Cecil.

"I-I-it was---" Kei sighed. He walk towards them and picked the frame. When he saw the picture, he couldn't help but smile.

"What're you guys doing in Aine's room?" Reiji asked that made everyone jump in surprise.

"R-Rei~chan!" Ittoki exclaimed and then rushed towards his senpai's side. When Kei saw Reiji, he tossed the picture frame to him and Reiji caught it immediately. He looked at the picture and chuckled.

"This was..." Reiji slowly said, "The time when Aine~chan got accepted in a music company." When he said this, he smiled sadly as tears slowly slid down his face.

"Reiji..." Kei muttered. They didn't know what to say. Katakiri opened his mouth to say something when the professor stood behind Reiji and pats his head.

"Why don't you folks stay here for dinner?" The professor asked and they all nod, except for Reiji who turned the request down. He asked the professor where he could take a quick nap and the professor told him that he could use Aine's room.

"We'll be outside if you ever need us, alright?" Reiji nodded and then closed the door.

"Hakase, are you sure about letting him sleep in Aine's room?" Katakiri asked as he and the others were setting the tables outside. Ren, Kei and Ichinose were in charge of cooking while the others were assigned to arrange the table and the utilities.

Kei was chopping the vegetables when he accidentally cut his fingers that caused it to bleed.

"You okay, Kei~chan?" Ren asked and stopped whatever he was doing. Ichinose immediately took a bandage out of the First-Aid kit and then gave it to Kei. When Kei finished putting the bandage, he eyed Ren menacingly and Ren jumped a little.

"Don't call me 'Kei-chan'"

"Then how 'bout Nami-Onpa?"

"DON'T YOU DARE GO COPYING REIJI!!!" Ichinose sighed as the bickering continues. At some point his gaze focused the room where Reiji's taking a rest.

Will he be alright?


They're so noisy... Reiji thinks as he lies down on the bed, eyes on the ceiling, hearing the loud bicker outside. He turned his body facing the wall, closing his eyes shut but it was no use. He turned his body to the left and saw the picture of him and Aine and on the opposite was the picture of the four of them on the first day in Shining Gakuen.

He stood up and then grab the picture and looked down at it.

"Aine, why...?"


♔ Uta no Prince-sama fanfic: A.Ine ♔


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