Chapter 8: Far away

Start from the beginning

"Akira, why did you do this? You said you wouldn't say anything. I trusted you! " i growled, clenching my fists till my knuckled paled. 

"And did you really think that i trusted you? you're a frickin monster." He raised the gun towards me, "And i'll be the one to exterminate you."

I side stepped just as a bullet hit the spot i was on and raced, avoiding the bullets that were right on my tail. I was getting closed to him, but he was not mentor for no reason. His markmenship was one of the best and that proved when he shot me in the leg which made me crash into the ground on my back, grazing my backsides till they bled. 

"I expected better from you, Ichirou." He was standing above me with his foot on my head and his gun trained at my heart. "Have you honestly learnt nothing?" 

I snapped and grabbed his foot, biting deep into it till i felt i'd snapped a few veins. His blood was seeping into my mouth, it was disgusting, but blood was blood. My sudden action made him fall back. The bullet missed my heart by a mile, but penetrated my stomach. The pain was excrutiating, but i had to finish the job.

I clawed at his clothes, ignoring my body's pain and tiredness, as i pulled myself to be above him with my claws wound tightly around his neck. His hand shot up and pulled my hair with his gun at my neck. Stalemate, or that was what i thought. He pulled the trigger.


I waited, but there was no bang. No pain. 

No bullets.

Akira swore and kicked me off, making me roll to the side a few feet. He scrambled to his feet and was about to reload, but he just wasn't fast enough. I was up on my feet with one hand around his neck and, the other, in his chest. Blood was flowing out, making a pool at our feet. 

"Y-you said you wouldn't h-" He coughed, shaking his entire body. There was blood dripping from his mouth. "You wouldn't harm me. We made a deal." He was trying to keep himself composed and strong, but his voice was cracking and fast fading away.

"You broke your side of the deal..." I pulled back with all might might and there was a soft, sickening sound as i took out the most important part of him. He writhed on the ground, looking at me with hate-filled eyes, before he stopped moving, his eyes still trained on me.

I returned his hate-filled stare and a wretched smiled drew across a face, "...And i broke mine." I looked at the object in my hand and dropped it next to his head. It landed without a sound, spreading a flower of blood on the ground underneath it. "Look, be grateful. I've returned your heart to you."

My head sung around as i heard a sound. Then i saw him. Sotetsu was running. Just a speck on the horison.

Present time

I wanted to chase him, but i couldn't. I had someone to get back to. 

With slow, dragging steps, i limped my way back to her, leaving a trail of blood. My legs gave way underneath me as i got to her side and i put my head on her chest, letting the pain finally bring me back to reality. 

The tears wouldn't stop. I tried, but they kept flowing. A wet patch had already appeared on her blood-soaked dress, but i still couldn't stop. I never cried. Not even at the funeral for my family. So why now? Why couldn't i stop them? Why?

"T-tomoya...." i moaned hugging her body close to mine with my face buried in her neck, "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean for all this to happen..." My body shook viciously as i cried. There was nothing that i could do. I was helpless.

"I-ichirou..." My senses snapped as i drew away to look at her face, searching for any sign of life. Her eyes were opening. "I-chirou..You're okay..." I brushed away the blood that was dripping from her mouth that was now shaped in a small smile. "I'm.. so.. happy.."

"T-tomoya!" I hugged her gently, trying to not hurt her anymore. "I promise you we'll get out of this together. We'll always be together. I promise! I won't let them hurt you again." My tears were that of happiness and i let them flow. I'd given up stopping them. "We'll bring you to a hospital.. a-and.. get you patched up." I drew back, stroking her cheek with my hand. "You'll be fine, i pro-"

"No.." Her smile had disappeared along with my voice. "I-ichirou...Please...don't lie to me.. " Tears were welling up in her eyes, but she was blinking them back. She didn't want to let me see her cry. "I-i.. i want.. to sleep.." 

"No! We'lll get out of this together! You and me! You promised that you would stay with me forever! did you forget?!" I was hysterical. I couldn't do anything.. for the one i love most.. 

"I'm tired..." she smiled, "Please..let me sleep... Ichirou..." Her hand went up to my cheek, stroking it gently. "..Please..."

I closed my eyes and leaned into it. It was growing cold. "T-then.. i'll go to sleep too! I can't leave you like this!" I shouted, looking frantically for a gun.

"I-ichirou.." her hand held mine weakly but tightly, "Please...promise me you'll live on and be happy.." she was holding back tears again. "Promise me.. please... don't make me cry..."

My heart was breaking with each word she said, but i collected up all i had left of myself and gently wound my pinkie around hers. "I-i promise..."

She smiled faintly, "So.. you better keep that promise.." Her head lolled back slightly, "I'm i want to sleep..."

Every inch of my felt cold as i lay her on the ground and lay down myself, hugging her to me as the tears threatened to come back,

"Ichirou?" I looked up at her slowly closing eyes and her lips that murmured the barely audible words, "I love.. you..." And then i felt it. She was gone. 

My cheeks started to get wet again, but nothing mattered to me anymore. I gently placed my lips on her cold ones, trying to hold on to what warmth that was left in her. "I love you too.. Tomoya.." 

I hugged her close with my head next to hers,and in my fading and darkening vision,

i could've sworn i saw her smile.

this might be the saddest thing i've ever written.. T.T

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