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~ time skip - 2 weeks later ~

the students got their history test back, and some reacted normally, excitedly, or disappointed.

"psst, hanjae! tell me what score you got after school, okay?" sammy whispered.

hanjae nods and gives a light smile to him.


after school

hanjae and sammy meet at the same spot that they always meet each other at. the rooftop.

"have you opened up your paper yet?" sammy asked.

"nope... i'm nervous." hanjae admits, she's getting worried that all this tutoring wouldn't work.

she takes the paper out, then sammy snatches it out of her hand.

"sammy, what are you doi-"

"i'll open it for you! if you get a good score, we can celebrate." sammy smiles.

"fine. just open it already! i'm getting nervous." hanjae jumps around.

"okay okay! 1...



hanjae closes her eyes, nervous at sammy's reaction.

next thing you know, she was being hugged tightly. sammy was hugging her proudly.

"hanjae... you improved so much!" sammy happily laughed.

hanjae pushes him away from her, then grabbing the paper from him.

she couldn't believe it. "i... i got a 95?" she smiled, putting her hand against her mouth.

"sammy... thank you." she was starting to tear up.

"you deserve it- wait are you crying?" sammy looked closer to her face.

she smiles as she wipes her tears.

sammy laughs at her cuteness, still looking into her eyes. every second, his face gets closer.

breathe hanjae...



"hya what is this?" someone yelled. a group of three girls slam open the rooftop door, judging sammy and hanjae.

"woh, is this what i think it is? sammy likes hanjae? disgusting."

"sammy explain! are you cheating on me?" the girl with dyed blonde hair yells as she walks up to sammy.

cheating? sammy has a girlfriend? hanjae thought. why should i care?

"no no! i was looking at her eyes... she was about to cry."

"did you make her cry? were you bullying her?" she then laughs.

"wait what-" hanjae tries to explain.

"of course i was bullying her. look, she got a 95% on her test." sammy looks at hanjae coldly.

the blonde girl picks up her paper. "im not impressed. you're a nerd anyways. and a very intimidating one as well." the blonde girl then kisses sammy's cheek. 

hanjae couldnt believe this. she grabs her bag as she leaves the rooftop. she felt betrayed. disappointed, but not surprised. why did i trust that stupid fucking guy?

as she hops on the bus, she gets loads of calls and texts messages from sammy, but soon ignored them all.

a person sits next to her, caressing her hair. "tough day, hannie?"

of course, it was sasha...

she ignored him too. she cant trust anyone anymore. sasha rested his head on her shoulders.

"wow... you must be really upset. hanjae, who hurt you?"

hanjae didn't respond. she continued to look out the window, looking at the gloomy gray clear sky.

"i know what will make you feel better. here, lets go get boba. i'll pay for our drinks."

hanjae lifts her head up and looks at him. "really? boba? you'll pay?"

sasha nods his head. "come on lets go."

they get off the bus and walk to the nearest boba place. as usual, hanjae orders taro milk tea with semi-sweet boba as sasha orders his watermelon juice with boba.

"okay, now talk. why have you been ignoring me and what happened to you?" sasha demands.

"i've been ignoring you because you went along with my ex group of friends to that other school, leaving me, and today was shitty because i thought i'd trust someone again, but turns out i'm back to hating him." hanjae explains while chewing her boba.

"wait a minute, HIM? you've been talking to other guys besides me? oh wait... is it that guy who scolded me a couple weeks ago?" sasha nearly rages.

hanjae nods while continuing to sip her drink.

"lets get to the real point here. you. denied. my. confession."

"i. dont. date. and. never. will." hanjae reasons.

"date me then! im handsome and wont betray you like that jerk did."

"no thank you." hanjae gets up from her seat and runs out of the store with her boba. sasha runs after her, grabbing her wrist.

"ah let go! you almost made me drop my boba!" hanjae whines.

sasha laughs at her.

"here, i'll call an uber to take you home." sasha says as he releases her wrist and takes out his phone.

"no, i'll just walk home. its just about a mile and a half away from here. see yaaa!!"

"ah wait. you're not walking home alone at this hour." sasha walks next to her.

hanjae didnt care, so they just walked to her house together.


as she hears music from her garage, although it was pretty late and dark, she knew it was her brother. since the garage door was open, jaehyeong spotted her immediately.

he stopped playing and ran to her in a hug. "hanjae! how could you not text me and worry me like that? even sammy was worried." jaehyeong nearly cries.

hanjae looks back at the garage and sees sammy waving. she rolls her eyes and faces to her brother.

"uh... jaehyeong, i shut off my phone and forgot to turn it off."

he then recognizes the guy next to her. "sasha kwon? long time no see. i see that you have reunited with my sister..."

"yep... she's scary now." sasha jokes around as they both laugh.

"thanks for walking my sis home. if anything, she needs you around more. she misses you." jaehyeong weirdly winks. hanjae punches his arm, denying his every word.

as hanjae and sasha say goodbye to each other, they plan on seeing each other more in the future.

"hya, lee hanjae. come here." sammy calls.

she looks at her brother, giving him the i-dont-like-that-guy-face. jaehyeong gets the memo and says "uh... sammy, my sister is actually tired. so she'll be heading to her room now."

hanjae gave a thumbs up and runs into the house.

gee... so cold, lee hanjae...


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