Tuxedos And Dresses Part 2

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To say that I was very nervous regarding tonight’s gala would have been an understatement. Last night I had said that I wanted her there and that she must be there since it was her right to be. I wanted everyone to meet this beautiful and amazing woman in my life, who changed me in so many ways and helped me make my peace with so many of my demons.

At the time I had talked to her, I was very sure that having her there was a great idea but as time seemed to pass and as the Gala came close, my nerves were starting to get all rallied up and I was feeling more and more nervous by the second. I was worried more by the fact that she won’t like the people I spend my time with rather than the opposite.

I decided that thinking about it was useless and would only increase my tension and nervousness and hence I decided to immerse myself three feet deep in my work and asked Donna to send all the pending cases my way, a command which I was now regretting. But no matter how much I was hating dealing with my stuck up, gigantic pain-in-the-ass clients I knew that it was much better to keep myself busy than to let my mind have a free second to worry about tonight.

It was because of this knee deep work that I almost forgot that I had promised Paula that I would get Donna to help her with the dress for tonight. I quickly asked Donna if she could help Paula choose a dress for tonight’s gala and after involving some more off days and a fully paid treatment in her favourite spa, she graciously accepted, as if she was somewhat expecting it from me.

Donna left the office around lunch, probably to meet up with Paula, and I decided that it was probably a good idea to give Paula a heads up that Donna was heading her way. Besides I also wanted to check if like me, she too was dealing with some nervousness. But to tell you the truth I just wanted to hear her voice, that sweet voice which always seemed to help me relax and make me believe even if just for a second that it was all gonna be fine, that we could deal with any shit that was thrown our way as long as we were together to deal with it.

The call with Paula ended rather quickly as she was out with a friend and as soon as she heard that Donna was headed for her home she rushed to end the call and hail a cab to her home. The idea that someone else was keeping her thoughts consumed while she was the one who was in each and every thought of mine made me a bit jealous but before I could act upon that jealousy I saw Jessica headed my way, with a steely look on her face which clearly meant that I had either fucked up real bad or she needed me to clear someone’s fuck up, probably Louis’.

I’m so looking up to tonight’s gala.( A/N: Oh Harvey aren’t we all ;) )

With the work given by Jessica time passed real quick and before I knew it Jessica was peeping into my office to tell me that I needed to leave and get ready for the gala if I wanted to make it in time to pick my date and be there on time to welcome the guests. Hearing that, I swiftly took off in my red Ferrari and decided that I would dress up in my best so that I could ensure that tonight all Paula’s thoughts were consumed by me and only me. Call it me being possessive and unnecessarily jealous but I don’t care. I want her to be as crazy and possessed with the idea of me as I was with the idea of her, if that made me a possessive ass then so be it, at least I’ll be an ace at that, if nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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