零 / Zero

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I suggest you read this fic in the dark theme for the sake of the aEsThEtIcS :)

~ prologue

~ prologue

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Ring ring ri- Smack.

Jaebum snoozed his alarm clock for the 10th time this morning.

"Yah! Jaebum-ah, wake up!" Shouted a voice from downstairs.

"Ughhh..." Today's the first day of school after summer break. Eyes squinted trying to adjust to the sunlight, he glanced at his alarm clock.

"Dammit! I'm going to be late!!!" He immediately sprung up from his bed, ripped out a plain T-shirt and ripped jeans from his closet and ran downstairs for breakfast. On his way down the staircase he almost tripped multiple times.

Jaebum was quickly munching on his toast when he heard his mom from the kitchen.

"You remember the new neighbour lady who gave us cookies last week? Well, her son's going to your school. You better take care of him alright?"

"Alright." Jaebum was hesitant about the idea, also disappointed at how the new kid wasn't a girl, though he was curious as to how the new kid looked like.

Is he nice? Will he like me? How do I introduce him to my group of friends?

Endless thoughts filled up Jaebum's head as he made his way to school.

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