My face approach his. 

<< Mine too. Don' t forget! Just one bite of mine and you' re instantly in hell meeting Brandon! That'  why, get out of my way and let me go. >> I shove him off and head to the front door. Just when i open it  he shuts it with a push of his strong hands.  With both of his hands, he grips my arms and he sticks my body to the wall. His own arms flex so much that the curve of his muscles lengthen. He lifts me slightly and  i feel my body dangling. Nevertheless, surprisingly, i' m not hurt. 

<< I'm one step from the edge . Don' t push me over it, because you' re the one who's going to lose. You know that I can do it. So let me go. >> i warn. I try to show that my patience is starting to run out. 

His hands relax. He lets go of my arms. One hand moves through my hair and the other on my waist, which curves making  it ease to him to pull me close. My eyes are forced to meet his. 

<< You didn' t hear the song i put previously little girl. If you had listened to it, you'd understand why I said you were young and immature and you wouldn' t get so angry with me. >> he mumbles with his lips inhaling my breath. Although i 'm dizzy by his gaze and the intimate contact, I try to bring to my mind the words of the song. << Not everything revolves around you, Eve! All this time, i was trying to comfort you for Matt. You' re angry with me, because i didn' t tell you something that you would normally have to deduce by yourself. I save the world from a bastard who raped you and you attack me. But you' ve never asked to learn my side of the story. How I feel. That' s why you could never understand. You could never understand the demons that i face. You can pretend all you want to yourself, you believe that you're right at everything, but if you're not a little conciliatory, you could never see things clearly. That' s why you' re immature, little girl. >> 

My eyes lose their color. Suddenly the walls that I have built between us, crumble. His words and his blue eyes, cut the resistance. My mind ceases to scrutinize his words and focuses on his half-open lips that are like gates for the heaven, which long for me. I'm his stooge. I'll do whatever he says without being able to control myself. His gaze is pointy nail on mine. His lips are at zero distance. The attraction between us overcomes my strength. Unconsciously, my finger, copying his, tangle through his hair. My lips are being parted and i stretch my neck with yearning to erase the distance. But i don' t find time to do it. He immediately move away from me. He took his head and out of my hair. My breath is nearly cut off. A strong pain pressures my chest. It's too bad this feeling of rejection just before the acceptance. As if you have a chocolate in front of you and when you take a tiny bite someone takes it out of your mouth. And this someone always happens to be Bruno. 

<< Plus, dressing like a slut, won' t do any good! >> he mumbles, staring at my breasts. 

I am outraged. I can' t let him play with me like that. I have ceased to be weak and vulnerable since Matt revealed me the truth. For sure, I can' t let Bruno throw away my confidence again. Therefore, when in fact I want to slap him across the face and then kiss him, I actually hold down my desire and smile. I lower my shoulder, to let  the strap deliberately fall. I rest my head on my other shoulder and rub with my hand my stripped one. His eyes goggle. 

<< And yet, as you can see it does good in one thing, which is enough for me. It drives you crazy! >> i murmur with a calm, sensual voice. I turn sharply, open the door and walk out. 

Spontaneously a satisfactory somile appears on my face. I manage to hold my nerves. Okay, I know that at first i showed him that he can control me, but after i proved to him and as much as he provokes me, I've taken the decision to ignore him. 

I walk towrads Bruno' s car. I "borrowed" his keys, since it' s a bit difficult to ride my motorcycle with this skirt. It's so short that if i wear the shorts i usually put on under skirts it would be noticed. Besides, I want to try something new. Therefore, i will cut off the motorcycle for a while and drive myself to places with a car. I get inside and drive off. 

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