Visiting Hours are Finished

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"Alright honey, I'll be here bright and early tomorrow morning. Congratulations again you two." My mom says kissing my cheek before saying goodbye. My dad shakes Harry's hand before grabbing his jacket from the coat stand and leaving the room. They turn the lights off and slowly shut the door. I lay back in the somewhat comfortable hospital bed, closing my eyes.

"Hmm, finally we can relax." I say sliding down into the bed and pulling the blanket over me. Today had been exhausting with everyone coming in and seeing the baby and trying to take care of Nora too, it was so much. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted and my whole core was sore.

"Harry, you can go home and shower if you want me to watch baby." I say, my eyes still closed and snuggled up in the blanket. There was no response,


"Hmm?" I look up and see Harry snuggled with Nora in the chair, the room dimly lit. I turn onto my side slowly and sorely. I fold my hands under my cheeks and admire the two loves of my life bonding. Harry had constantly been talking to Nora while she was in my stomach, often falling asleep on my chest with his hand on my stomach. Harry was perfect to be a father and I know will be the perfect father.

"She is truly so perfect." He whispers, letting her hand wrap around his finger. I knew somehow even though she'd been in my stomach for the pregnancy, somehow her and Harry were bonded more and she would definitely be a daddy's girl.

"Who would've thought bumping uglies would create such a beautiful thing." Harry jokes, looking up at me with his infamous dimpled grin. I exchange a smile with him, looking down to the babe in his arms.

"You did Harry." I joke back to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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