70: Lilly Stark

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We arrived on the S.H.E.I.L.D. Master Heli carrier. The gangplank lowered and we disembarked. I looked at my sisters then looked away taking a deep breath. I was unsure about all of this. What if I caused this mission to fail? What if I hurt everyone I cared about more than I already? What if... What if everything fell apart without me? I couldn't do that. I had to make sure whatever happens I didnt make anything worse. I was done hurting people. It seemed to be all I was good at and I hated it. I took a very deep breath as Fury walked towards us smirking. Beside him was a boy about three years older than me or so. He was tall, lanky, and somewhat good looking. He was super familiar and that familiarity caused a surge of rage to well up inside me and before I realize what I was doing I was in front of him and I had slammed my fist into his jaw. He stumbled back and rubbed where I had hit him wincing, "Hello to you too, Lilly. Jeez..." He looked me over and then pulled out a strange oblong metallic cylinder and pointed it in my face, "Okay. Right, you got men in blacked. Forgot about that. K, here is your memories." I saw a flash of red light and a rush of memories of Wakanda and my time there came back to me. I remembered who this boy was. And, for some reason that made me angrier.

"Connor! You prat!" I growled and slammed my fist against his stomach making him double over.

He grasped his stomach and coughed wincing again, "What the hell did I do?"

"Don't take it personally, Okay? She has been having anger problems lately." Said Alyssea.

I flinched at how cold Alyssea had sounded and I took a weak breath, "Let's just get the mission." I muttered. "What even us our mission?"

"You will be going to Missouri. There you will be picked up by a... friend of mine. He will be taking you to space where you will spend a year or so helping him with a problem." Fury replied sounding like he was talking about something as normal as baking a cake or going to the ice cream parlor.

All three of our mouths opened and we gaped at the old Cyclops. "Nope. No. I am NOT being trapped in space with anger with a shotgun here and... Who even are these two maniacs?" Connor said exasperated and looked up at nothing in particular, "Can you believe them, people?"

"Uh... Who are you talking to?" Asked Razilee. She twirled her finger around her right ear whistling, "Wah-hoo." Her voice conveyed her I don't give a rats ass personality.

"Yes. Thanks very much for saying I am crazy." Connor rolled his eyes.

"You never answered her." Alyssea pointed out.

"Right. I am talking to the readers of this... Angsty fan fiction." Connor grinned.

"Uh... Oookay. That makes absolutely no sense." I said and raised an eyebrow. "...Let's just move right along and get to Missouri."

"But why Space?" Asked Alyssea.

"...Because I said so. My friend..."

Fury was interrupted by Connor, "Because of plot convenience." He rolled his eyes, "We need to be in space. But, I still don't know why yet."

I gestured my thumb at him, "Are we seriously taking crazy along with us?"

"Yes." Said Fury sternly, "Yes, you are. Now, move it. You three get to the vehicle."

"Yes, sir," I muttered slightly sarcastic as I was the first one to start towards the large black plane that waited to take me... No, our team to Missouri to get picked up by whoever Fury said would. 'Play good little soldier... Play good little soldier... I have to...' I thought weakly. I ignored the ache in my head and the anger shifting in my stomach as the purple in my eyes grew and danced a little. Something was wrong with me. I was changing and losing myself. But at the hands and command of who...?

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