Chapter 23 - Conflict

Start from the beginning

After a good amount of scrubbing on my part I realized that I wouldn't be able to make much progress unless I could strip and get the mud out from underneath my cloths. But that wasn't an option. I wasn't about to let myself become that vulnerable to any prying eyes that may be watching.

I compromised by taking off only my tight leather pants, shoes and corset, leaving me in my long, thin white undershirt that covered most of my body. My underwear would never leave my body...probably for as long as I was here.

Recalling too many unpleasant cinematic scenarios where a bathing person's cloths are stolen, I opted for crossing the river and hiding my cloths behind some rocks for safe keeping as well as to dry. This was only after struggling to tie the loose cloths around my ankles in the water, in an attempt to keep them close by while I bathed, failed to work.

I gathered a few large leaves before jumping back into the water and scrubbing my body thoroughly with the foliage. Maneuvering my shirt around, I was able to clean myself sufficiently without taking it off.

I kept alert and vigilant, scanning my surroundings often. At one point I couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching me. I paused for a moment, examining the brush around the river carefully and saw nothing. It didn't take long for the feeling to dissipate as I told myself to relax.

Then I took on the massive project that was my hair. I spent a good ten minutes working through the tangles before I was satisfied with the shiny black waves between my fingers. I started to scrub the leaves over my face, relaxing as I felt the dead skin and dirt wash away.

There was a splash behind me, and I turned, alarmed and tried to blink the water from my eyes. Before I could react, a rough hand clamped around my wrist and hauled me upwards. I yelped, clawing at the fingers around my arm, struggling to break free as I was dragged towards the bank.

Another hand grabbed my other wrist and I blinked through the water streaming down my face registering the blurry image of Nate staring malevolently back at me. I let out a frustrated shriek, spitting at his face and lashing out with my legs.

He only lifted my higher, my feet just barely skimming the surface of the river. Tears sprang to my eyes as he clamped down harder on my wrists.

"You're becoming more of a problem, darling." He seethed, bringing his face close to mine.

I wanted to head butt him, to bite him, to kick him as hard as I could, but my arms guarded his face as he held them in front of me, and I couldn't get enough momentum for my legs to do any damage. I hung limp, helpless in his grasp, rage slowly giving way to fear.

"It doesn't matter if you jumped off a cliff, got some bloody moss or a new name. I don't care what Pan says, you're nothing and you will never be one of us." He spat.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I choked out, tears slipping silently down my cheeks.

He managed to grab both my wrists with one hand and wrapped the other around my throat.

"Girls don't belong on Neverland, especially not a pathetic little wimp like you." His fingers closed ever tighter around my throat as he started to lower my body towards the water. Panic started to set in, and I didn't notice the figure creeping up behind Nate until he was on top of us.

A sickening crack split the air and Nate's head jerked to the right, his body following immediately after, taking me down with him. We splashed into knee deep water, and I yanked free, scrambling backwards.

"You know, you got a real problem, picking on people smaller than you, you misogynistic creep." Will said, throwing the large branch, he used to hit Nate's head with, angrily to the ground.

Nate was on his hands and knees, holding the side of his head with one hand, breathing heavily.

"You'll regret that." Nate spat a glob of read saliva into the water beneath him.

"You were just planning to drown her, is that it? No one would be the wiser?" Will's gaze was like fire, his eyes burned with disgust and anger at the boy in the water a few feet from him.

Nate got slowly to his feet and turned his full attention on the dark-haired boy in front of him.

"Are you okay?" Will's voice softened as the question was directed towards me, but he didn't take his eyes from Nate.

I nodded slowly and managed a muted affirmative.

"You have gotten in my way for the last time.... William." Nate used the name as if it was a curse and Will reacted instantly.

The boys threw themselves at each other, fighting to remain on top. I stood helpless, waist deep in water, unsure of what to do or how to aid in the situation. Fists flew mercilessly. They were evenly matched as far as I could tell, Nate given only a slight advantage at a year old than Will.

As I struggled to respond to the fight in front of me, a figure broke from the tree line, marching straight up to the flailing boys. I threw an arm up to block the gust of air that flew into my face as a pulse was sent between the boys, knocking them several feet in either direction.

Pan stood in the center of where the tangle had been; on the bank, directly in front of me. I shuffled my feet in the water, painfully aware of the hem of my shirt floating loosely around my thighs. Anger burned in his retinas, a sight that struck fear into my soul, turning my heart cold.

"Go get dressed." He barked.

I brought my arms up to shield body as best I could and scuffled backwards. Pan's eyes flicked to my wrists and his expression softened a little.

"Go." He said with just as much insistence, but a gentler tone.

I turned and swam, looking down at my forearms to see what had caused his leniency. There were dark bruises already forming on my wrists, courtesy of Nate. I listened to the authoritative voice behind me, now addressing the other two.

"What did I say about handling my Lost Girl, Nate?" His tone was low and dangerous. I could almost see the heart stopping death glare Nate was almost assuredly receiving at this moment. I crossed the middle of the river, paddling awkwardly and continued to listen.

Pan was barking orders, something about them better not showing up to camp until they had filled five bags full of shale each. I reached the other bank and turned to see the boys disappearing through the trees, Pan staring unashamedly at me, making no attempt to avert his eyes as I stared back at him.

Realizing he had no intention of turning away, I pulled down the hem of my shirt as far as I could and dashed from the water and behind the rocks where I had stored the rest of my cloths, all the while, feeling cold eyes watching my every move.

I dressed quickly, trying to keep calm and register all that just happened. Pan had a soft side.... the way he had seen my pain and responded. But remembering the anger in his eyes made me shiver. I walked across the partial dam and up to the waiting figure on the far bank.

He stared down at me with a curious look, remnants of a temper just visible in his gaze as his eyes scanned my body. I looked down at myself, realizing that this was probably the first time he had seen me clean since the first day I arrived.

A hand grabbed my wrist and I winced, but he didn't let go. Instead, he turned and dragged me behind him at a quick pace into the forest. 

What is Pan up to? Do you think he's falling for Rayvn? Any predictions for what's coming next?  "Tune in next week to find out!" (≧▽≦)

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