For Lexi

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To the girl with the dirty blonde hair

The girl who sits in silence, alone with her despair

I know about your secrets, I see past your disguise

I know the sad truth behind your hazel eyes

You say you're fine, too afraid to let any more people in

After such torture that would make even the devil's head spin

Your mother took a child's trust

Lit it on fire, laughed as she let it combust

Treated you with only hate and violence

Forced you into silence

Then he made it all so much worse

Your beating heart became nothing but a curse

He showed up, made you feel wanted

The memories of his words, his 'love', they're now haunted

When you didn't give him what he wanted, he used force instead

The trauma plagued your mind, you wished you were dead

Then she came along and hurt you too

When everything fell apart, you didn't know what to do

She pretended to care to get close to your brother

All the while you were still receiving abuse from your mother

You questioned your worth as lies began to spread around

Your mind repeated their harsh words, constantly repeated the awful sound

There were times you didn't think you could continue to live

They took your happiness, your sanity, what else could you give

You tried to deal with it all, turned to books, wrote poetry

It helped you through, but just barely

But you're still here today

Trust me it gets better, but doesn't go away

There's so much you've overcome, you'll make it through

Lexie, always know, I'm proud of you

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now