"It was so nice of you to take us in. And I guess the kits and I have become quite attached as well... I mean, really, thank you," Ravenfall said. 

                "Yeah, I'm going to miss the kits," sighed Sparkbelly. "They keep me company with good jokes." 

                "I haven't told the kits yet," Ravenfall said. "They're attached to Brightkit and Bumblekit. Heatherkit and Daisykit as well. In WindClan they're the only kits so they don't really get that privilege. I don't know how to break it to them." Heartstorm didn't know why he felt so sad to know Ravenfall and the kits would be leaving. He knew he shouldn't be attached. They were of different Clans. Sometimes, Heartstorm wished there weren't different Clans. He wished they were just one big Clan.

                     "Break to us what?" yawned Crowkit, blinking. Lilykit shifted in her sleep. 

                    "Ah, nothing," Ravenfall soothed. "Go back to sleep." 

                     "What is it?" asked Crowkit, alarmed. 

                      "I'll tell you when Lilykit's awake," Ravenfall said. 

                      "Lilykit! Wake up! Ravenfall wants to tell us something!" Crowkit said, nudging his sister. Bleary eyed, Lilykit woke up. 

                    "DOn't wake her up!" grunted Ravenfall with a sigh. Heartstorm smiled sympathetically. 

                   "What is it?" asked Crowkit.  

                     "Well, er, tomorrow, we will be leaving," Ravenfall said. Lilykit's eyes went wide. Crowkit gaped. 

                   "Why?" asked Lilykit.

                   "Where? asked Crowkit. 

                 "Well back to WindClan of course," Ravenfall said. 

                 "but how about Brightkit and Bumblekit?" asked Crowkit. "And Heaterkit and Daisykit." 

                     "Well, you'll still know them," Ravenfall said. He was careful not to say "you can still be their friend" as he knew that was not true. 

                     "But we don't want to leave," groaned Lilykit. Ravenfall looked hurt. The kits hadn't had too much time to be attached to WindClan and it was easier for them to get attached to RiverClan but he knew he was WindClan and that was where his loyalties lay. 

                    "Don't you miss Cloverwish? You'll be able to see her again," Ravenfall said. "I miss her.."

                    "Yeah! we do!" exclaimed Crowkit. "But can't she come and live here?" 

                  "Yeah! She can come!" piped in Lilykit. Heartstorm's heart broke and Sparkbelly looked down sadly. 

                   "Don't you want to see Galestrike and Ivyvine and Firecry?" Ravenfall asked. 

                  "No," said Crowkit honestly. "We like Eelfrost and Deerflame and Sparkbelly and Heartstorm and Silverdrop and Cloudbreeze and Frogleap..."

                  "And Bumblekit and Brightkit and Heatherkit and Daisykit," added Lilykit. 

                   "We can't stay here," sighed Ravenfall. "We are WindClan."

                   "But we want to be RiverClan," groaned Crowkit. Ravenfall's brow deepened. This was something he did not want to hear. 

                    "You are both loyal to WindClan. You were born there. WindClan is your Clan. RiverClan has only brought us here for a while. We are not here to stay," he said sharply. 

                     "B-b," protested Crowkit.

                      "No Crowkit. Do you want to see Cloverwish?" Ravenfall said. 

                     "Yeah but-" Crowkit started. 

                      "No buts," growled Ravenfall. "WindClan is your Clan. Not RiverClan." The words were harsh and Heartstorm should have felt hurt but he knew they were the truth. He would have said the same to his own kits. Sparkbelly turned away. The kits huddled closer to each other, lowering their eyes. Heartstorm let out a slow breath. Ravenfall stared coldly at Heartstorm but it turned to sadness. He looked down at his kits sadly, realising that being in RiverClan made them happier than being in WindClan.

                     "Get better soon Sparkbelly," Heartstorm said. He nodded respectfully to Ravenfall. Then turned to the kits, his eyes sad, "Goodbye Crowkit, Lilykit." 

                      "Bye Heartstorm!" they chorused. 

Heartstar's rise : Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now