Chapter 10 | "Died from an angel's light"

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"So." Chloe cleared her throat. "There's no murder weapon, so... the killer probably stabbed him and ran off with it."

"Mhm." Lucifer nodded.

"So... I'm gonna call the others and see what we can do." 

Lucifer nodded again.


Setting: Lucifer's Penthouse

Maze walked in from the elevator, hoping to find something that would explain Lucifer's strange behavior.

She walked around the penthouse, looking around, but she saw nothing suspicious.

Suddenly she saw something start to glow from Lucifer's room. She walked into the room and saw a small white feather on Lucifer's bed, glowing slightly.

"I knew it." The demon picked up the feather and eyed it carefully as it slowly started to glow brighter. "But why is it—glowing?"

Maze shrugged and put the feather in a small box. She started out of the room when she saw something at the corner of her eye. She walked back into the room and saw two large pure white angel wings lying on the floor with one of her blades from Hell beside them. The wings were slightly glowing as well.

"He cut them off again." Maze rolled her eyes. "Why are they glowing though—I don't understand..."

A few hours later

Lucifer walked in from the elevator.

"Explain." He heard Maze's voice from the room.

The Devil sighed and shook his head. "Explain what, Maze?"

"You know what." The demon snapped.

Lucifer walked over to her. "Okay, fine. I cut my wings off, no big deal."

"I already know that." Maze glared at him. "I want to know why they are glowing."

"I'm still wondering that myself."

"What? You don't know?"

"No, not a clue."

Maze's dark eyes looked at him menacingly. She threw a knife at the wall. "You're no help."

"How am I supposed to know why dad is making my wings glow?" He asked her, and walked over to the table.

"I don't know, because you happen to know things like that."

Lucifer rolled his eyes and poured himself a drink, "I happen to know nothing dad does, or why, because he doesn't BLOODY TELL ANYONE ANYTHING."

Maze nodded and thought for a moment. "Did you try asking him?"

"Asking? Are you insane?" Lucifer took a sip from his glass. "You think if I ask him why he's making my wings glow, he'll tell me?!" The Devil laughed at the demon hysterically. "You don't even know how many times I've tried asking him anything! I've actually stopped trying because he never answers me!"


"Why does it matter anyway? I cut them off. They aren't a problem anymore."

Maze said nothing.

"Now if you don't mind." Lucifer gestured her to leave.

Maze nodded and rolled her eyes, then walked into the elevator.

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