"Elena!" he then heard Damon yell loudly as Holden panicked and rose his head up to search for his brother. "Holden! Izzie!"

"Damon..." Izzie mumbled as some blood left her mouth. Holden then bit into his wrist and gave Izzie his blood.

"This is gonna hurt you, baby girl. But please hang. My blood will cure you," he said and then  grabbed the ending part of the glass as Izzie yelled out in pain.

Damon heard her and rose his head up as he had his wrist on Elena's mouth, feeding her some of his blood.

"No! Ahhhh!" Izzie screamed from pain as Holden pulled the glass out and immediately fed her his blood. "It hurts!"

"I know it does. I know. You're okay, just drink," he said as he rose her body up to himself, dead worried for Elena as people across the room screamed loudly.

"Go to her," Izzie pulled her lips away, somehow still in a lot of pain even if he was healing her.

Alaric was holding Jo, whose eyes were closed as her abdomen still bled heavily, soaking Ric's clothes and hands. He looked devastated as he did nothing but sob. "Oh god," he held her dying body close to his. His eyes scanning the room for any help. "Someone, please help."

"Kai!" Joshua, his dad, slowly rose to his feet and shouted furiously.

"Stefan!" Holden finally noticed his brother and Caroline who quickly rushed over to them. "I need... I-I need to see Elena. Help Izzie!"

Stefan looked worried as he took Izzie's weak body into his. "Are you okay? Oh my god!" Caroline touched Izzie's face soothingly as the girl breathed heavily, crying from pain.

Stefan watched Holden leave as Izzie suddenly cried out in an excruciating pain. "What..." she then looked down at her dress to see blood coming out from her wound that had healed seconds ago.

"Why aren't you healing?" Stefan asked her as she stared at him in fear and shock.

"Where is Izzie!" Damon asked Holden who fell on his knees next to him and quickly with pain in his eyes took over Elena's body. "I gave her my blood but she doesn't respond!"

"Elena! Elena," Holden touched her cheek in panic and looked back at Damon. "I need to... I need to get her to the hospital."

"Where is Izzie?!" Damon shouted as he stood up at the same time Holden did as he held Elena's unconscious body in bridal style, in a hurry to leave.

"I healed her!"

"She's not healing!" Caroline's frail voice rang out causing them both to turn her way. Damon saw Stefan trying to feed Izzie his blood and the wound was healing but as soon as Stefan pulled it away Izzie would yell from pain.

"What the hell!?" Damon vamp sped towards his girlfriend, pushing Stefan off of her. "Baby!"

"Damon... It-it-... hurts," she gasped out from pain as Stefan noticed Holden holding Elena who didn't move an inch.

"She won't wake up... What if she..."

And then mid sentence, Stefan and Caroline got their necks snapped from air and both fell to the ground. Kai was standing behind them with a smile. "Nothing personal, but this is family matter now."

cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora