A smile lights up on the teenager's face as he recognizes who it is. "Hiya, Miss Potts! Did you see what Mister Stark got for me?"

"I didn't. What did Tony get for you?" Pepper says with just as much enthusiasm as the kid, moving to kneel down beside the bed.

Peter grabs Honey, eyes bright with childlike excitement, and shows the bear to the woman.

"He found Honey for me! He's my teddy bear! I had him when I was really little. Before everything happened. He was taken away from me because we're not allowed to keep anything besides the clothes on your back. But Mister Stark found Honey for me!" Peter rambles excitedly.

The bear isn't in good shape, but the way Peter holds it like it's the most important thing in the world makes up for any lost limbs and rips.

"That's amazing, sweetie," Pepper responds, smiling back at the teenager. "Now go get dressed. Tony's making breakfast for all of us."

"Steve and Bucky stayed?" Peter questions, doe eyes sparkling with happiness Pepper had never seen on him before.

"Yep and they're probably hungry too and you've got school in not too long. So up and at 'em, kid."

Pepper heads out to the kitchen to find the dining room table already half filled. Bucky and Steve sit side by side, former's head resting heavily on the super soldier's shoulder. And Natasha sits at the head of the table, laughing at something Bucky had said.

Tony' at the stove making pancakes, grinning like there's no tomorrow. Pepper hadn't seen him that happy in a while.

She heads over to Tony, kissing him softly before letting him continue cooking, leaning against the counter.

A few minutes later, Peter comes barreling into the room, struggling to drag his fingers through his messy bed head.

He's wearing his Iron Man hoodie- Pepper decides she's going to have to pry it off him tonight to get it washed- a pair of jeans and dragging his backpack along behind him.

"Good morning!" Peter greets, in a better mood than anyone had ever seen him.

"C'mere. I know some things about tangled hair," Bucky says, beckoning the teenager over.

Peter sits on the floor in front of Bucky, tipping his head back so the man has a clear view of his head of curls.

Gently, as though Peter's made of glass, Bucky runs his hand through Peter's curls, slowly untangling the knots piece by piece, using his prosthetic arm to hold the kid's head in place.

A peaceful expression crosses the teenager's face as Bucky works through his hair, humming softly when Bucky scratches his scalp in certain spots. It's so domestic that Pepper sorta wants to cry even though she's the least emotional person to come by. 

With Tony being the dad he is at the stove making pancakes. Steve doodling on a scrap piece of paper on the table what looks to be a picture of what their wedding is meant to look like. Bucky playing with Peter's hair. Peter half asleep, sitting cross-legged on the floor, leaning against Bucky's legs. Natasha going over the kid's English homework. And Pepper leaning against the counter in the kitchen, smiling softly at the scene playing out in front of her. 

"Breakfast!" Tony announces as he flips the last pancake onto the stack. The group all gathers around the table, digging into their breakfast. 

"This is really good, Tony," Steve compliments, smiling at his best friend, hand finding Buckys under the table.

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