Be my valentine?

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He fell in love with her when he was six, although he didn't really knew what he felt back then and just brushed it off as something weird. There she was, smiling at him. Her hair unkept and tangled as always, lips laced with a wide grin everytime they see each other. Kakashi felt his heart skip a beat as she waved at him.

"Yo, Kakashi!" Alita yelled, hand waving in the air madly. It was almost like a routine, everytime the young Hatake passed by she would greet him with the same enthusiasm. Kakashi nodded at her in acknowledgement, the orphan smiled.





"What's wrong, Kakashi?"




"...If you're sure."

Missed a chance.


Kakashi had forgotten about her when he was Ten, he felt as if he was missing something inside him. It was two years after that when they met each other again, she spotted him on the corner of her eye arguing with Obito. A large grin slipped onto her features, and she ran up to him. It had been so long since they had last met each other, but she still remembers how he looked and acted like.

"Oi, Kakashi!" She called out with a wave, Alita really missed him. The silverette swerved around to see who called him only to get tackled down to the ground by a purple blur. He gasped as the wind got knocked out of him, Obito blinked before laughing while Rin gasped when he landed on the ground. Who the hell tackled him!? His silent question was answered with a wide grin from the blue eyed purple head, Kakashi's eyes widen.




"It's been so long, Kakashi."




"How have you been?"




"That's... good."

Missed another one.


He didn't realize how broken he was until he loss Obito... Rin... Minato... Kushina... He loosed everyone he held dear, he's alone. He's cursed. He's useless. He's stupid. He's- "...Kakashi?" said boy's head snapped up.

"Alita..." she didn't have the same grin she always wore around him, she looked hurt... sad. It wasn't like her, she's supposed to be the one that brightens his dark days. Her grim expression didn't fit her, like Rin did when he...

Be my valentine? (OneShot)Where stories live. Discover now