Poetry Participants

248 15 17




1. Captured Feelings by ButteryButteryFly5 (Not mature)

2. Coven of emotions by Tophie_Star (Not mature)

3. The Polished Hands of Poison by Emmawatson-fan (not mature)

4. Fallen by Sarakel_14 (not mature)

5. Islamic poems by Binthabee (not mature)

6. Concealed Emotions by Umeike (not mature)

7. Speak Now by AllyM1989 (not mature)

8. Vertigo by UmamahHussain (not mature)

9. Accompanied by the Moonlight by book_love29 (not mature)

10. Melancholy by whispering_euphoria (not mature)




11. My Creativity Corner by maansi_srivastava (not mature)

12. If Young But Knew And Old But Could by reysdad (not mature)

13. 70 Beats Per Minute by TreasureofTempo (not mature)

14. Heart Felt by NetThompson

15. A Poem From Me by Cate_Kitt (not mature)

16. Enlighten Me by kyrrai (not mature)

17. Endless Loop Of You by lemons746 (not mature; completed)

18. The Fact and Our Foibles by ifana8 (not mature)

19. Stillwater by erikachap7 (not mature)

20. Spring Awakening: Poems by spacetodream (not mature)




21. Silent screams by abd330 (mature)

22. Poems of Hardship and Pain by VengefulDragon (mature)

23. 70 Beats Per Minute by TreasureofTempo (not mature)

24. Human Thoughts by peacesosiego (not mature)

25. Silence by RosePalitsky

26. Broken words by purple_heart12 (not mature)

27. The Colours of Our Souls by crazybaglady (mature)

28. Out of My Mind by funnybong_42 (mature)

29. A Few Random Random Thoughts by Sammy_boy__ (not mature)

30. Redeemed love by Anubis_king (not mature)




31. P.O.E.M.S. by wi_se_gi_rl (not mature)

32. Dear Sir by The_Specs_Girl (not mature)

33. Blow by iiCubbyBunny (not mature)

34. Horizon by WarriorIndeed (not mature)

35. Raining upon the fire by TVCE2019 (not mature)

36. Poems and quotes by disIsTopSikeret (not mature)

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