Madison bad news

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Madison's boyfriend Landon is moving  to new York    it was so bad for Madison she was crying a lot we had to leave  Madison wanted to die but we kinda  mad here less mad and sad she was very sad she said she could not live without him she was crying we went to the bathroom and Landon was very sad and he said he was going to see each other in 3 years then she got sad er she cited even worse I said Com down you are going to Flud the bath room she  was kind happy then it was time to go home Landon said good bye they kissed and huge each other for along time she  cried a lot then I said let's  go and they said good bye they told each other they didn't want to say good bye but it said then say see you later and they said that and left  Madison was heart broken I even cried too a little bit..............................

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