"She already is," Blacktail purred proudly. Ravenpaw found herself glaring at Sandpaw, suddenly jealous. Her mother had certainly never complemented her like that.

"Ravenpaw, what's wrong?" Shadepelt asked. Ravenpaw glanced at him and suddenly realized that she had been clawing at the ground with one of her front paws.

"Nothing," She lied quickly, "Wanna share something with me?" Her stomach was beginning to growl, and she felt as though tearing into some fresh-kill would make her feel more cheerful.

"Sure," Shadepelt replied, standing up and stretching. "You can pick."

Ravenpaw turned and hurried over to the fresh-kill pile. It had been a long time since she'd shared prey with her brother, it seemed. She chose the shrew Thornwhisker had caught, and the two of them happily shared it beside the pile.

"Great choice," Shadepelt commented before taking a bite. Ravenpaw purred as she ate the shrew, suddenly realizing how hungry she was. And tired. As she crouched there, she suddenly felt as though she had been on her feet for two whole days. She was ready for a little rest.

"Hey, look," Shadepelt said when they were finished eating the shrew, "Palefoot and Graypaw are back." He was glancing past Ravenpaw at the camp entrance, and Ravenpaw had to turn to follow his gaze.

The two cats were dragging something into the camp; a huge bird, bigger than any bird Ravenpaw had ever seen before. It was a large brown bird with a white head and the most yellow beaks and legs she had ever seen. It had long, black talons. Ravenpaw gazed at the bird in shock. It was bigger than an owl!

Shadepelt got up and padded over to the entrance, where Palefoot and Graypaw were trying to drag the giant bird through. Other cats were coming to greet them as well.

Shallowstar and Silverflight were padding over, exchanging surprised glances. Iceclaw, Blacktail, and Thistlefang were all padding over, each cat looking startled at the sight of the massive bird. Soon the whole Clan was gathered around the bird.

"Holy StarClan," Sandpaw gasped, her green eyes huge as she stared at the bird. "It's huge!"

"What in the name of StarClan is it?" Shadepelt asked, peering down at the bird. He gave it a curious prod with a fore paw and tipped his head to one side. Ravenpaw was wondering the same thing.

"It's an eagle," Palefoot explained, gazing down at the giant bird that lay at her paws.

"An eagle," Shadepelt echoed, his voice an awed whisper. Ravenpaw stared at the eagle and suddenly remembered stories she'd heard about eagles as a kit. Apparently they were birds that were rarely seen on WoodClan territory, and were more commonly seen on MoorClan's land. They also were big enough to take a full grown cat. Ravenpaw had always assumed that those were just nursery tales, but now that she'd seen an eagle she believed the stories without a doubt.

"And you caught that?" Blacktail's eyes were wide as she studied the massive bird with wide yellow eyes.

"Yeah, we both caught it," Graypaw meowed, "It had already been injured though. It looked like its wing was broken." He glanced at the eagle's wing. Ravenpaw curiously followed his gaze and saw that the wing was slightly bent awkwardly.

"That's still a very impressive catch," Shallowstar remarked, looking impressed as she stared at the eagle.

"Graypaw gave it the killing bite," Palefoot said, gazing warmly at the long-furred gray apprentice. Graypaw ducked his head, looking slightly nervous as the Clan started to murmur in approval.

"Great job," Iceclaw praised, gazing at his apprentice with warmth in his blue eyes. "You're already a very efficient hunter."

"R-really?" Graypaw stammered, his yellow eyes widening at his mentor's praise.

"I'm so proud of you," Berryflower purred, pushing her way through the Clan to stand by her son. She gazed at her son lovingly for a few moments, purring. Then she gave him an affectionate lick between the ears.

"That will be enough to feed the entire son!" Birdflight remarked as he slid over to his mate's side. He gazed proudly at his son. "Great job, Graypaw."

After the Clan had finished congratulating Graypaw on his catch, Shallowstar padded over to Ravenpaw.

"Go tell Thornwhisker that he's assigned to lead the dusk border patrol with Mouseclaw, Thistlefang, and Iceclaw." Shallowstar said.

"Can I come with?" Ravenpaw asked.

"Of course," Shallowstar replied with a hint of amusement in her blue eyes.

"Thanks!" Ravenpaw purred, lifting her head up high. "I'll go tell Thornwhisker right away!" She turned and sprinted across the clearing to where Thornwhisker was talking to Palefoot and Mouseclaw.

"I'm very impressed that you helped Graypaw catch that eagle," Thornwhisker was saying to Palefoot. She licked her shoulder fur as though she was embarrassed by the praise.

"I didn't do much," Palefoot mewed humbly, "The eagle was already weakened from its broken wing. I just drove it toward Graypaw to catch."

"You still helped though," Thornwhisker meowed warmly. He turned and mewed a greeting as he saw Ravenpaw approaching.

"Shallowstar wanted me to tell you that you're in charge of leading the dusk border patrol with Mouseclaw, Thistlefang, and I," Ravenpaw informed her mentor.

"I'll tell Thistlefang, if you like," Mouseclaw offered.

"That would be great. Thanks, Mouseclaw." Thornwhisker replied gratefully. The gray tabby nodded and went over to Thistlefang, who was talking with Shadepelt, Iceclaw, and Graypaw. Ravenpaw could hear from where she was standing that Thistlefang was praising Graypaw for catching the eagle.

"What should I do now?" Ravenpaw asked her mentor. There was still a lot of time until dusk, so she wasn't quite sure what she'd do until she had to go out on patrol.

"Go get some rest before the patrol," Thornwhisker told her, "Maybe get some sleep."

"Okay," Ravenpaw replied, realizing that she was quite tired. Perhaps a nap would do her well. She turned and padded over to the apprentice's den. As she passed Graypaw, who was still being praised by Thistlefang, she saw Blacktail padding over to Graypaw.

"That's a great job you did today," Blacktail praised the gray apprentice. "You'll be one of the best hunters in the Clan someday. I can tell."

Ravenpaw felt a stab of jealousy. It had been a long time since her mother had praised her like that. She wondered if her mother would praise her like that if she did something just as impressive as catching an eagle.

I will make you proud one day, Ravenpaw vowed, In fact, I will make the entire Clan proud of me. She remembered what Nightshadow had said about her becoming the best cat in the Clan. I will be the greatest warrior the forest has ever seen!

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