Finally, Hogwarts

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Hi, Zoe here and I just wanted to say this: This story has made me so thankful that I am the Slytherin third year, Daughter of Hephaestus, Victor of District 4. Some of the chapters will be in first person. Anywho back to the story!!

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were in a compartment when the people from across their compartment started screaming.

"Oh, Merlin! Emma, look!!!" She squealed.

Remus looked up from his book.

"Why?" He asked looking back at his book.

"It's..." Another girl started from the same compartment. "Rose, Sirius is there too!"

"Really?!" Rose asked her friend.

"Yes. Oh... It's James Potter, the world's best chaser! And he's with his best friend Sirius Black who is the world's best beater!!!!" Emma basically screamed.

"James, go shut those two up so I can read," Remus said looking annoyed.

"Prongs, let's go give them what they want," Sirius said standing up.

"Fine," James considered.

James and Sirius walked over to the other compartment to hear more squeals and screams.

"Remus, are you okay?" Peter asked.

"Fine. Other the fact that I can't read," he replied.

There was a loud bang that sounded like it came from the other compartment. Remus looked up to see James and Sirius running back into their own compartment.

"Never again, Sirius. Never." James panted.

Remus had the decency to laugh.

Remus, Peter, Sirius, and James, (in order of the Marauders,) were talking when a familiar red head walks by.

"Marlene not this time," said the voice behind her.

"But Alice you have Frank, I at least want one of them." Marlene sighed.

"Alright Marlene, but don't come crying back to me when he breaks your heart like all the other girls he's been with." Alice warned

"I won't need to because he won't break my heart." Marlene protested.

"Lily," Marlene started.

"Lily," she said again

"Lily!" She shouted.

Lily looked up from the book she was reading.

"What?" Lily asked.

"Tell Alice he won't break my heart," Marlene said

"Well Marlene if it has to with Potter or his friends I can't help you," Lily told her.

Marlene wasn't that happy with her answer, but at least she got one.

"Remus come on and join the quidditch team already. We need another chaser." Sirius complained

"Sirius, I'm not going to, so get over it." Remus replied.

",Come on," he started. "James look," he said pointing at the window.

There he saw Lily and she saw him.

James and Lily have been dating for 3 weeks and still have not told anyone, not even their parents.

"Lily..." Mary started. ",Lily it's James, Sirius, Peter, and..." "Remus,"

Mary has had a crush on Remus since 3rd year. Now that their in 7th year she needs to talk to him.

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