Draco stops walking suddenly, he's looking at his feet. "I...wanted to apologize. For Vince..."

"Aw, Dray," Greg pulls him into a hug, holding him tightly. "Wasn't your fault. And you know he don't blame you. Vince believed in you, in everything you did. He knows you loved him like a brother."

"It has been...difficult."

"Darn, it ain't supposed to be easy. He was one of your closest friends. It has to hurt for a little bit before you realize it's okay," Greg is smiling when he pulls away. "How else are you supposed to know you're human?"


"My brother came to visit yesterday."

Blaise looks up from his Arithmancy book for a second before looking back down. "Did he? George, right?"

Ron smiles and nods. "That's the one. He was in town for a few hours before he had to take off again, but...he mentioned you."

"Did he," Blaise sounds more interested.

"Well, Malfoy did. But I told him about you."

"And what did you say about me?"

"That you're possibly the best thing I've ever had."

"I'm a thing, now," Blaise teases.

"A very wonderful thing," Ron takes his hand and kisses his knuckles. "The most wonderful thing to happen to me."

Blaise chuckles, closes the book. "Alright, you have my attention. Go on. You've something to say and you're stalling."

"He wants to meet you," Ron says. "Officially."


"Yes. As in," Ron makes a motion with his hand, as if that explains everything.

"As in what," Blaise laughs. "Speak your mind, man."

"As my significant other."


"Hold on, wait," Ron pulls his hand back when Blaise tries to move away. "No, hold on, let me explain. They just want to get to know you as you."

"They? Now it's your whole family?"

"Yes, of course. My family wants to meet you."

"Me as in your significant other?"

"No, you as in Blaise Zabini."

"Blaise Zabini, your significant other?"

"Will you just forget I said that," Ron groans. "They want to know you as Blaise Zabini, the boy that has Ron acting like a fool on love potion."

Blaise tries to stop himself, he really does. But he can't stop the stupid grin that spreads over his face.

"Look what you've done to me," Blaise smiles even wider, pushing Ron's shoulder as he talks and holding his cheeks. "Diminishing my manliness to a foolish grin. I'm done for."

"So is that a yes? You'll go?"

"We aren't even a thing."

"So," Ron shrugs. "I'm not open for applications from anybody else."

"We haven't even kissed."

"That's because you don't let me," Ron points out. "And I don't mind waiting."

"It hasn't even been that long!"

"It's been two months."

"One month," Blaise laughs. "And you are out of your mind."

"It doesn't have to be what you're thinking it will be. It's just dinner. You're new to my life and they want to make sure I'm making a good choice in keeping you in it."

"I'm your significant other and you haven't decided if you're keeping me in your life?"

"I hate you," Ron grumbles.

"But I'm your significant other, you must appreciate me at all times."

"Be serious for a moment."

"I'm always serious."

"Will you go?"

"As your significant other?"


"I'm trying to ask if you'll be my boyfriend, you muppet."

Ron's jaw drops in apprehension. "Considering you're from Italy..."

"Will you do me the highest honor of being my beloved?"

"Well, since you asked so nicely."

"And yes, I'll attend the dinner that will be hosted in my honor," Blaise says, holding his chin proudly.

"George will love you, I know it."

"Isn't that supposed to be your job?"

"I meant you're just as annoying as he is."

"I'm your significant other," Blaise waggles his eyebrows. "That's my job."

"You're impossible, that's what you are."

"Impossibly handsome."

Ron sobs dramatically at the sky. "I take it back, I don't want to be your boyfriend."

"You can't take it back. I won't allow it."

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