Michelle gave a good look. It looked flawless, which was surprising considering she rarely wore makeup. She decided to joke with her, attempting to scare her a big. "I don't know, kinda getting raccoon vibes."

"What? Oh my god-"

"Kidding! I'm kidding!" Megan let out a huge sigh of relief, mainly because she didn't want to start over.

Once she finished up with makeup, trying to look as natural as possible, she was actually satisfied. She looked like she tried, just not too much. Megan didn't want to look like a cakey freak, so thank god she didn't.

They were getting their dresses on, having to zip up each other. "Damn, we look good."

"Eh." Michelle shrugged. "You look like Chanel while I look like Walmart."

She rolled her eyes, doubting her best friend. "Lies. You look amazing."

"Stop it, I'm blushing." Michelle joked.

They got their shoes on and grabbed their purses, then Michelle grabbed her car keys. "Let's go. Also, you better not fall in those heels cause I'll kill you."


They arrived at the dance, thankfully to be greeted by Michelle's decathlon teammates, obviously including Ned, who welcomed Megan in open arms.

"Nice hat, Ned." As promised, he wore a fedora, which actually suited his outfit. "Thanks. You already know this, but it gives me confidence."

Megan placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, trying not to crush his confidence. "You do you, man."

"Megan, can I just say how amazing you look? I'm honestly super surprised." Cindy, a member of the decathlon, said. Although she kind of had a snarky tone in her voice.

"Um, thanks?" That was all Megan could say, she really didn't want to waste her time over an irrelevant argument.

Liz entered the gym, without Peter beside her. She immediately ran to some of her friends, all of them complimenting each other back and forth. It was definitely annoying, but nobody was going to say it out loud.

Peter stood outside the front doors, looking like he just saw a ghost. But the truth was that he discovered Liz was, in fact, the Vulture's daughter. Obviously she was innocent and had nothing to do with his actions. She wasn't even aware of what he was doing.

He saw his decathlon teammates, plus Megan, who he thought looked beautiful. Michelle noticed him staring, and gave him the middle finger jokingly, which Megan thought was "incredibly rude."

He walked up to Liz, and even she could notice how odd he was acting. They were talking, and it didn't look good. Megan saw the look on her face, and it screamed disappointment.

"Gotta go."

And with that he ran out of the gym into the hallway. Megan, Michelle, and Ned were all confused in what just happened. But then realization hit Ned, and he bolted out of there faster than parents during Black Friday.

"What the fuck is going on?" Michelle asked, and nobody had an answer. Ned probably would've had one though.

"I'm following them." Megan announced.

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