Nyx Walker

25 4 0


Heidi Walker

nyx walker




♡individual power♡

14 (she's three minutes older than haldi and never lets her forget it)


♡face claim♡

♡clothing♡always wears a black shirt, other clothing varies

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always wears a black shirt, other clothing varies.

nyx is sarcastic and has a way of being depressing without realizing it. she's a good listener and prefers to use words over actions. she's a good writer and storyteller but quite embarrassed about it. she gets passionate about weird things and is weird in general. she doesn't show emotion much. she can't touch anything or it will díe - and trust me, she's terrified of it. the only person who she can actually touch, skin on skin, is haldi.

nyx discovered that she would kíll whatever she touches when she kílled the family pet. she's scared to death of ever touching anyone again, besides haldi, so she always wears gloves. nyx's father was an alcoholic and her mother left when she was young. she accidentally kílled their father by grabbing his arm in front of haldi. she left their family and hasn't looked back since. she loves her sister dearly and will protect her at all costs.

-horror novels
-being alone

-touching anyone

-being depressing
-her sister

-her sister
-showing emotion
-admitting she needs help
--when she uses her power, sometimes she physically can't stop, leading to disastrous consequences.

-she's fairly good with guns
-her power over death, BUT she never resorts to it unless it's for her sister

"behold! the field in which i grow my f**ks. lay thine eyes upon it and thou shall see it is barren."

She did it.

RPd by: Queenisme123

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