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         He stood overlooking the expanse of fields dotted with black horses as they grazed. Storm clouds were rolling in behind the snow capped peaks making the gelding beneath him snort and paw with nervousness. Clinton Bellingraves laid his hand on the horse's neck, murmuring reassurance before sweeping his gaze over the rest of his lands. His crystal blue eyes took in the protected barrier of hills that surrounded his property as the wind attempted to whip the hat from his head. Pulling it firmly over his dark head of hair, he cinched the strings to keep it in place.
                 He had found a purpose after many years of aimless wandering and had settled in the lower valley beneath the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming. Hidden Acres, as he had named the vast property held true to its name with hidden valleys that provided ample grazing for his Nivernais Drafts. He had fallen in love with the breed as a small boy in France, beautiful work horses that had helped to feed his family at the time. After realizing their imminent extinction, he had imported and bred the magnificent breed and made it into the thriving herd that people paid thousands for now.
            With the general running of the large farm done by those he had hired, it left plenty of time for him to oversee everything from afar. It's how he preferred things, it kept everything simple and easy without too many questions being asked of him. He still got to feel apart of the world without the intrusion of people meddling too deep into his life. Even his home was set away from the outbuildings dotting the land, his privacy was the one thing that was always respected by those who worked under him.
            Rolling his shoulders, he clicked and nudged the gelding down the slope and back towards the barns. Rain was coming and while the herds were dispersed, they would soon move for cover on their own out of instinct. Urging his horse into a canter, he smiled a rare smile as the large, black horse pounded powerfully across the grass. Thunder competed in the skies with his horse's hooves as he made it back to the barns before the first droplet fell.
           Grooming him down, he ran a hand over the glistening, ebony coat before feeling a presence come up behind him.
                 "Always know how to time it just right, old friend." A gravelly voice spoke up as rain could be heard pelting the metal rooftops overhead. While he kept his distance from most of the employees, his facility manager who helped to oversee everything had become a friend. They had met when he had realized his breeding enterprise was taking off and he would need the additional help.
                   Lawlor Gibbons had stepped up to the job with experience running breeding ranches and had been an invaluable find. His beard and thinning hair was gray now but his acceptance and understanding of his friend had never changed.
         "You know me well. I can feel it." Clinton shrugged with a frown as he peered back out and watched lightning strike across the sky.
              "That new shipment of feed is coming in tomorrow as is the new trainer. She comes highly recommended from her last employer." Lawlor stated as he chewed his minty tobacco.
Clinton looked over at him, surprise registering on his face. He hadn't realized they had needed to hire a new trainer and started to ask, feeling foolish about missing that detail.
                       "Joe quit two months ago to move with his new bride and I know how particular you are about who works here. No criminal history or red flags and she is beyond delighted to work with your horses." Only Lawlor knew how precious Clinton viewed the horses in his care and the reason why.
              Nodding, he led the gelding into his stall before turning to face Lawlor.
          "If she falls into line like the rest then there should be no issues." Clinton stated his expectation and Lawlor understood the underlying message. Nosy employees didn't last long at Hidden Acres nor did groupies hoping to catch a glimpse of the infamous Clinton Bellingraves.
             Lawlor nodded once before saying his farewell, leaving Clinton in turmoil at the thought of a new employee. It had been years since he had had to worry about a new face on his lands but there was no ignoring that now and he had to adjust to developing changes. As much as it irked him, he would have to meet her at least once to make sure she wasn't a threat. He had those that would do anything to tear away his success and way of life, something he planned on preventing. He enjoyed the solitude his lifestyle provided and wouldn't put it past some of his enemies to use a woman to lure him out.

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