New Friends

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when I picked up my phone I seen someone has sent me a friend request. before I opened it I crossed my fingers and said, "Please don't let it be that guy, please please please."

I opened it, and was relieved at who it was from. I accepted it and soon after they texted me.  

Hey Alex

Hey June

I smiled and she asked me if I wanted to hang out and I said sure. so we decided to meet at a close restaurant called Roy's.

I got dressed and left the house. when I arrived at the restaurant and got out of my car. when I turn and looked at the door of Roy's I saw him.

 The boy who pulled me off of the Rebecca. the only bad thing was that they were sitting together eating food. 

I rolled my eyes and waited for June to pull in. After a few minutes past I got a text from June telling me to go in and get a seat because she was running a little late. 

I went in and sate at a table closest to the window. Just my luck when I sat down the guy saw me. I pretended I didn't see him and looked out the window and let my thoughts take over. 

What if he comes over here. What if he ask my name. What would I say.  

I was brought out of my thoughts when someone sate in front of me and said Hi. just my luck it was him. 

I know it sounds like I hate him but the truth is I like him so much I kinda do hate him.  

hi I said back in a statement but it sounded more like a question. 

he gives me a small smile that makes my heart melt. 

I'm Cade he says. The sound of his voice was so smooth and calm.

 I loved the sound of it but I couldn't get to attached to him I didn't want to every time I let someone close to me I get hurt. I don't want to get hurt again. 

i'm Alex. I told him my name then quickly looked at my phone.

Are you waiting for someone. umm yeah i say trying to be nice.

ill leave but you have to tell me your name first. he looks at me with a smerk on his face. 

my name is.. i was cut off to June walking up to my table.

Hey umm Cade what are you doing here. she sounded confused. 

nothing just welcoming.. he looks at me as he waits for me to tell him my name. 

Alex. i look at Cade then June. i was just welcoming Alex ill leave now. and with those words he walked away with a smile on his face. 

June sat in his place and looked at me. so you and Cade. look i don't want to tell you who to hang out with or anything but Cade is not the best person. she said sounding concerned. 

Yeah i know he just walked up to me and sat down. i said looking at the menu.

Cade is the quarterback hes also the most popular guy in school he always has a girl on his arm. every day it is someone different. she said picking up her menu.

The waiter comes up to us and takes our order. 

i wasn't really hungry so i just ordered a soda. June ordered a hamburger and some fries with an ice tea.

well i'm not going to get involved with any guy at this school. i say as i  a little.

an hour went buy but it felt like seconds we were standing at my car while saying our goodbyes.

ill see you tomorrow at school right June says. 

yeah i guess but if Rebecca starts in on me again i'm not holding back.

 i say with a smerk on my face we both wave bye and i watch as she gets in her car when she pulls out i get in my car and drive home. 

when i arrive at my house i go inside and grab a water out of the fridge then head to my room. i change into some shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. 

i climb in bed and lay there looking at my fan go around and around. soon the room went dark.

i wake up to my alarm going off. i turn it off and walk in the bathroom. i take a quick shower and get dressed. the ride to school felt like it took forever.

when i arrived at the school i park in the same spot i did yesterday. i walk to my locker and wait for June. 

Hey Alex. that annoying voice i knew who it was and i didn't want to see her. i turn around to see Rebecca and her minions. 

what do you want. i say crossing my arms. well i like your attitude so i'm going to offer you something i don't offer people often.

and what is that. i say with a smerk on my face. the smerk disappears when i see June walk up behind Rebecca's minions. she was clearly keeping her distance.

Rebecca puts her hands on her hips. how about you join us for lunch today and become one of the popular kids. 

you mean become one of your minions that follows you around and dresses like you. no thanks. i walk past them to June. 

Rebecca's eyes follow me and stops on June. fine just don't fall in with the wrong crowd. and with those words she left. with her little minions following behind her.

i look at June and we both laugh at what just happened. 

i cant believe she just asked me that. i say as i begin to walk with June to our first class. 

when we arrived at class we site in the back of the room. i site by the window in the corner so i can look out it. 

as we wait for teacher to start class the announcement came on.

Alex Wood please report to the principle office I repeat Alex Wood please report to the principles office. 

when the announcement was over everyone looks at me. i roll my eyes and walk out of the room. when i arrived at the principles office. i see the one person i did not want to see. 

-Hey everyone. i really hope you like this story. if you have any suggestions for my please leave a comment below. and who do you think is in the principles office.-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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