Chapter 42

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I can't see anything around me. I begin to sniff the air around me, but I can't smell anyone. I slowly begin to walk around the room, my other four senses at their highest strength due to the fact I lost one of them. As I begin to walk, I feel a very thick liquid that's knee high. I sniff the air as hard as I can. The thick liquid that I'm in smells like mud, with a hint of blood.

At first tempted to begin drinking the mud, I stop myself. I'm in Hell and anything down here is literally at your own risk. I hold myself back and slowly continue to walk when I feel something crunch below my feet. I instantly know by the crunching sound made it's a dead body. I try my best to ignore it as I slowly keep walking.

The only sound I hear is my footsteps trying to get through the mud. I slowly continue my walking, and suddenrly I feel something grab my ankle.

"AAAHHHH!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I yank my foot up to hear low growls coming from this mysyterious beast. Instantly I claw at its throat. It's a miracle I even found its throat. but I managed to and when I did the growls silenced.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! GIVE ME LIGHT! LET ME SEE YOU YOU FUCKIN PUSSEY!" I begin screaming at the top of my lungs, anger filled in my voice. I'm no longer scared to die and I'm no longer scared of facing Satan. This is what I always had to do. Maybe I'm not an abomination to God after all. I'm the one who was chosen to finally end Satan's reign.

I begin to run. A power of some sort fills me and it's not a bad power. I begin to run fast through the mud. I keep running, and suddenly, everything just goes blank. I don't feel the mud anymore and it's perfectly dead silent. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open them, fire errupts around me and he's standing directly in front of me.

"Well well well." He says in a demonic voice. "It's about time you showed up. I've been waiting for you."

"Alright, you finally have me where you want me." I say with anger in my voice. "What is it that you want from me? What is it exactly that I have to do?"

"It's very simple Sydney. You just have to defeat me and you and your little friends can go. I'll no longer be able to rule you all and you can be the ruler of Earth. However, if I win, you and all your friends face my wrath of Hell and Earth remains a living Hell. Or, we can simply not fight and we can prevent the prophecy from ever happening. Make your choice."

I can't not fight him. If I don't fight him Earth will never end up good again. It'll only become worse and Satan will never leave power. I hate how many prophecies there are. I haven't read them all but I know there's a lot and some are still waiting to be discovered. Maybe the next prophecy will only be worse. It has to be if he said to try and prevent it.

"I choose to fight you." I say to him. A frown comes onto his face.

"Very well then Sydney. You have made your choice. We will both fight. Just remember one little thing. If you win but one or more of your friends die one will have to remain with me in Hell. You can back out still but if you say yes there is no turning back. Only to go forward. Do you still want to keep your decision?"

"It doesn't matter what decision she makes." I hear a voice trying to figure out the name. "We won't back down and we will win and you will burn in Hell."

The voice. It's....its....

No more time to think. The fighting has begun and my first partner is Spencer.

The World of the UndeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora