The Level W

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A/N this is what a level W looks like when the transformation is complete.. Imagine Zero's hair is dark blue and eyes glowing gold. And his tattoo is a W design..

    It has been a day since I announced that I turned a human into a warewolf. And time is running out for him.. I lowered my head to my floor of my dorm. I synced him... The Level W.. Is here..

     I ran to the entrence of the dorm to see the others.. I walked over to Kaname, "Kaname, he's here.." I spoke, "I know, Shakama.. Go stop the transformation.." He whispered to me. I bowed and ran.

    ~Honabusa's POV~

         As Shakama ran out, she appeared as a blur. I looked at Lord Kaname and he had a hurtful glint in his eyes as he watched the blur disappear. He turned away from everyone and I looked at Akatski, my cousin. "Akatski, I'm going to fallow her... Care to join me?" I asked him as I smirked and turned to him. "This is the Last time.. The last time we did this, we got in trouble by Lord Kaname.." He said as he nods. I menaly cheered! "Then, lets go." I said, holding back the urge to yell. Me and my cousin sneaked away to fallow Shakama.

~🐺Shakama's POV🐺~

  As I ran, I synced Honabusa Aido behind me and another Aristocrat with him.. I ignore them for now... I start to smell a familiar sent... It was him.... The human boy I bit.. I fallowed it.. When I came to the fountain.. "Good evening, Zukiu(ZOO·key·you), you ready to do this?" I asked the young man before me. "Just... Get..... hurts.." He growls in between his words. I nodded as I walked up to him..

    "Just bite down and drink... Then it will all go away.." I said as I knelt down to his crouched, pained position. He sat up, his eyes glowing gold.. I remember why I did it.. I wonted to have a friend.. But, it went downhill...


    It was mid winter, it was cold, and snowing. And I was alone, lost and afraid. I am 15.. 10 years since my pack died, and 5 years since I ran from Yagari..

    I hate being alone, until I looked up and saw a dark blue haired boy with green eyes.. He looks like he's 14.. I want a friend.. Without thinking, I walked up to him, "H-hi.. I'm Shakama. What's your name?" I asked him. "My name is Zukiu. Nice to meet you, Shakama." He said as he looked at me. I smiled, only if he knew what I was...


  I learned he has a twin brother, Kikiu(KEY·key·you), and that he is a Vampire Hunter.. The Kimi's(KEY·me).. But Zukiu is the stronger twin, and that Kikiu is weak and gets sick all the time.. I realized that the Kimi's are also Warewolf Hunters... I looked at Zukiu and smiled, I will punish the Kimi's for killing my pack, and only left a Pureblood Warewolf pup alone in her den...


    Mounths have past and I planed to kill everyone of the Kimi's.. Exept my new soon to be servant... I arrive at the Kimi's.. Outside in the snow, my Neko features showing, my long light pink sundress blows in the wind.. My eyes glow gold.. The Kimi's came out with Anti-warewolf weopons.

   They said, "What do you want Warewolf!" I smirked as my ears picked up a gasp from Zukiu.. "I only want your son, to become my friend and trustworthy servant.." I said as I saw Zukiu.. "I'm sorry you had to find this out Zukiu.." I said as my ears pinned down on my head. I looked at the father, he looked strong, but according to my synces, he's not.. And the mother, is the same..

    I used my Warewolf speed to attack them.. After I killed them, I glanced at the light blue haired boy next to the doorway, he had green eyes like Zukiu. "Hello Kikiu... My name is Shakama Kimya.. Now, I will call my former master to take care of you.. After I make your twin my servent.." I said before running off with my Warewolf speed.

    I found Zukiu in his room, I pinned him to the wall and showed my Warewolf vangs. I leaned to his neck as he squirmed.. But he didn't move becouse of my strength. I bit him and he screamed in pain, my vangs stayed in his neck for a minute before I let go.. "Zukiu, my servant, I will call out to you, Telepathicly one day, you will fallow my orders and I will stop the transformation.. Till then, go to someone to get the blood off, and get a W like tattoo.. I will see you soon, Zukiu." I said in my commanding voice before running off, letting him go..


I cry as Zukiu bites down on the crook of my neck, and began lapping(Same as Licking) up the blood that spilled from the bite wound..

    "Shakama?" I hear Honabusa gasp. "Go Aido.. I'm busy.." I say as Zukiu continues to lick up the blood. "Zukiu.. You may stop now. The transformation to a level W has stopped.. You are now an Aristocrat Warewolf." I said as he stopped licking..

   Honabusa was shocked, "Your a Pureblood Warewolf!?" I nodded as I looked at him and the other Arisrocrat, "Yes, and remember the night of a full moon? With that Snow white wolf who acted Fiesty then playful?" I asked him. He nodded, "Well, Aido... I am that wolf.." I said as I morphed into the White wolf. I looked at him and wagged my tail.

  "Hanabusa we really should tell Lord Kaname." The orange haired guy said. I morphed back to a human. "No need. He already knows.." I said and turned to Zukiu.. "Zukiu, you may leave or stick with me and attend the Acadamy. I will teach you how to control your morphing from human to Wolf." I said a d he nodded, "Lady Kimya, I will stay by your side.. And thank your for stopping the pain." Zukiu said before showing his new wolf vangs. "No need to thank me, I will tell you the absolute truth on why I did it.." I said and motioned him to fallow.

   ~·Timeskip to the Moon Dorms·~

    Me and Zukiu entered the Moon Dorms and I synced everyone's confusion.  "Go to my Dorm room, up the stairs, the last door on the left." I whispered commanded at Zukiu and he nodded before he walked off. I sighed as I looked at the other's.. "Has anyone seen Lord Kaname?" I asked. "He's in his Dorm. I can escort you." A blond haired, green eyed young man spoke. I nodded, I also synced Honabusa Aido behind me, I turned to him and snarled and my eyes glowed gold.

     I then followed Ichijo to a big double door dorm room. He knocked on it. "Lord Kaname, Shakama is here to speak you you.." He said before Kaname replied, "Come in." In his calm silky voice. "Kaname, May I speak to you alone? In my Dorm room?" I asked, he replied with a camp, "Yes, I'll be there in a minute." And I left to go to my dorm.


*Realizes I didn't put an A/N in this part*

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH SSSHHHHIIIIIIZZZZNNNNIIIIIBBBBBBLLLLIIITTTTSS!! I FOR GOT TO PUT AN AUTHORS NOTE!! Sorry guys.. This is an edited part.. I apparently didn't put an Authors note.. ;-; meh bad.. Anyway, I am saprized that I only found one Zak Bagons Fanfiction in the x reader things.. The weird thing now, is i am watching GAC, or the Ghost Adventures, show.. Tis weird.... Anyway! Hope there is more that is going to be written!



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