Injured Inside, and Out

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Sal couldn't sleep that night. After he went to visit his dad in the hospital, he went home and wouldn't let anyone talk to him. Not even Larry..

Henry had gone right into the Emergency wing of the hospital.
The crash was a t-shape. Henry was the top part of that 't'.

Sal heard his walkie talkie make that white noise sound, and he picked it up.

"..Larry..?", He said, rubbing his eyes.

"Dude, I was getting worried. You wouldn't answer your phone.", Larry was definitely panicking.

"Jeez.. sorry.. I left it in the kitchen.."

"Well, next time your dad almost dies keep it on you."


"Hey, my mom is staying over at the hospital tonight.. you wanna come down here..?"

"Yeah.. I'll be down real quick.."
Sal shut off his walkie talkie, and got off of the floor, where he was sitting.
He grabbed a pair of sweat pants off the floor of his room, and his phone, then he made his way to the basement.

"Knock knock.", Sal said, leaning against the wall outside of Larry's door.

Larry sighed, and chuckled quietly.
"Who's there..?"


"Deep who?"

"Your deep-ressed boyfriend is here."

Larry opened the door, and leaned against the frame.
"And your greasy metal head boyfriend wants a kiss."

"Well get down here, then"

Sal chuckled softly, as Larry leaned over slightly, and gave Sal a kiss.

"Not my fault you chose to date a 6 foot string bean.", Larry teased.

"Oh please, I'm the string bean.."

"Alright.. does the string bean wanna actually sit down, or stand here all night?"

"The string bean's legs are getting tired."

"Then I better carry the small bean.."
Larry scooped Sal up into his arms, and held him like a baby.
He walked into his room, and sat down in the bean bag chair, resting Sal on his lap. Sal gently pressed his face into Larry's chest, and Larry rested a hand on the top of Sal's head, and gently stroked his blue hair.

"He'll be alright, Sal..", Larry said, resting his face on top of Sal's head, still slowly stroking his hair.

"I hope so..", Sal pressed his face a little harder against Larry, and gripped onto his shirt.

They sat there.. Larry comforting Sal, and Sal just kind of cuddling the 'SF' on Larry's chest.

Pretty soon, they fell asleep like that.

And pretty soon, they both woke up to a gasp.

Lisa had come home a little earlier than Larry and Sal had expected.

Sal jumped, and fell right off of Larry, onto the floor.
And Larry flipped backwards in the bean bag chair.

"H-Heeeyy, Mom..", Larry said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Morning, sweety. Sal, you didn't tell me how pretty your real eye is.."
Then she just walked out, not asking about the cuddling, or anything.

Did she know..?

Prosthetic Love  (Sal x Larry) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now