Chapter 4: Big Confessions

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Lol first of all im going to say that I'm hella happy that people actually read my story I cry :'0
Okay I'll leave, please enjoy bees
Alex Pov'
I was watching her from across the room, my heart was pounding, like if it was going to get out or something, I looked at Diesel, he smiled and put both thumbs up, I smiled back. I saw her standing up I panicked, I made her a sign just to let her know that I wanted her to sit, she sat. I arrived to the table, just straight looking at her, standing still... Shivering. Like a pussy. I maned up and crouched. One foot in front of the other, she looked surprised, covering her mouth with her hand -No Alexis wait.- she said.
-what dude, I'm very nervous, speak.-
-I'm .... Going out with Brandon....- She said that...I didn't knew what to do, I was going to cry... Literally. I stood up, looking at the floor...
-What does he have that I don't huh?!- I yelled looking at her crying. -... Huh...?-
-I... Alexis...?
I ran out, Diesel started talking to her... But I was out of the place.
-I better go to my house, I don't need this.... Not anymore.

Y/n Pov'
Diesel stood up to me, mad, I think I did something wrong... I looked at him, then looked at Brandon... He looked away.
-What the fuck dude?-Diesel said.
-I... I'm sorry I was just honest! I'm sure he's fine... It was not a big deal. Besides he knew all this time.
-You did to y/n, for ten years...- he stood up and went for Alex.
I was going to cry, I actually cried, Brandon hugged me, I hugged him harder, separated and went the other way...
*Time skip some hours*
I couldn't stop thinking about Alex... He was honest and... Blah! I can't think of that. It will go away eventually. I was walking with Brandon and Hoover (I forgot that he was there lol)
To see a movie or something, we were already there so, why not?.
We entered and asked some tickets for the a random movie Hoover picked. Already on the room we sat next to each other. We were eating some popcorn till the movie started.

I was feeling kind of down... Brandon noticed that I wasn't even watching the movie.
-Hey, are you okay hun?-
I smirked and nodded, after a few seconds I turned to him and smiled, he was getting close, closer, TO CLOSE! AAAAH HELP
He kisses me, and whispered to my ear "We have to talk"..
I nodded and continued watching the movie... He kissed me... And I didn't felf shit!... Maybe I did the wrong thing... Oh y/n... You idiot... Oh quackity... Alexis... So different..
*Flashback some 14 years ago*
Narrator's Pov'
There were two little kids having lunch at school shoolyard.
-what are you having for lunch today y/n?- said little Alex.
-A pb and jelly sandwich!!!
- YUUUM! I love pb and jelly!!!
-and you?
-just some normal sandwiches, want one?
-Sure! Here, have some of mine!
They both laughed and kept eating, when they finished they went to play, Alex requested to play to"mom and dad" so they did.
They were inside of a little house at the schoolyard, he grabbed her tiny hands and said.
- Y/n... I promise that we are going to be together all eternity! And we will get married!
- Yes!! I promise to! I love you! I looooooveee you Alex!!!
....*flashback finish*
Y/n Pov'
I remembered our little happy faces... We didn't see each other until some for years later... We weren't on the same school till third grade... Oh Alex.... Why do you do this to me?... Brandon hugged me and kissed me on the cheek..
- Is it Alex?- he asked
-you look sad Y/n, is it the Alex thing?- I nodded nervously. -you don't seem to be watching the movie so, why don't we get out and talk?
- Oh umm okay- we went out and sat on the floor - What is it?
-Look we both know we have an attraction to each other right?- I nodded - but you like Alex still... Don't you?- I looked away. - I can't be with you- I looked at him surprised .
- Wh... What?!-
- We are not for each other....
He kissed me, this time with passion and sweetness... We kept kissing for some time and then we hugged - I... I love you y/n. But let's be friends, okay baby?
I nodded- Now go get him!- I smiled then kissed him goodbye and stood up. I went away, the movie was boring anyways.

I "ran" to Alexis's house. But i remembered I had my skates. I put them on and skated to his house. When I arrived I knocked at the door but no one responded. I kept knocking harder. -ALEX! OPEN PLEASE!- Diesel responded
- What do you want y/n?
- I need to see Alex, let me in!
- he's asleep. Why did you do that?
- I didn't meant to hurt anyone...I was being honest!... Let me see him. He's not asleep...
- Diesel what's going on?- said on the background
- Alex!- I said - let's talk! I need to tell you something...
He seemed mad... But confused. Diesel looked at him and he nodded. I entered the house and went to him... Hugging him, he didn't responded to the hug. But it's fine.
- Ok... Look if you don't want my apologies is fine... I just want to talk you that...- I crouched, just like he did. - We meet fourteen years ago... And I remember our promise... You promised to marry me and be with me all eternity... So... Grabbing your hand, and looking to your... Now beautiful tearing eyes... I ask you... Alexis! Do you want to be my one and only Habibi?... - he was really crying... a lot... I stood up- so?...- he nodded hugging me very very hard... He kissed me... We kissed... It was a very sweet kiss... We melted into this never stopping kiss... We separated our lips and looked at each other... Smiling....
- I love you Alexis... I LOOOOOOVEEE YOU!- he smiled
- I love you too tonta... I love you so much...
Sooo here is the new chapter!! A really long one xd
I hope you likey!!
See you soon!!!

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