Faith in Humanity Restored.... PLEASE READ!

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Hi everybody! This is not a fanfiction or anything......It is actually something that happened to me a few days ago..... I don't know why, but it just really stuck in my mind and I haven't been able to stop thinkning about it and so I thought, "Hey! I'll write about it on Wattpad!" Lol :P Anyway, here's what happened.......

So my mom, brother (Michael), and I were going to make a quick stop to the store after my mom had gotten off of work. Mom sent me and Michael (she stayed in the car) into the store for two things; milk and butter and we only had four dollars in cash, because we really didn't want to have to use my mom's card (it would be somewhat of an inconvenience have to run back in and get it) and we were convinced that the $4 would be enough. So we go into the store, find the milk and butter, and get in line. So the store is super super busy and we get into the line and are checking out. Once the milk and butter and scanned, the total is $4.21. I silently curse to myself and then scan our Club card for that store (most of the time, we get a pretty good discount from the savings.....usually a dollar give or take), but unfortunately this time, it made no difference. I looked at the line behind us and there were several people, and the man directly behind me looked very annoyed and impatient.

Now, I am the type of person who always cares about what other people think about me and never wants to create problems or inconvenienves for anyone and I was instantly embarassed. I couldn't believe the fact that I was going to be that one person in the store who held the line up while I would send my brother to get my mom's card and come back into the store. I honestly felt like I was going to cry....I know that being .21 cents short is nothing to cry about, but the whole situation was embarassing and I could tell that the man behind me was not happy about the situation at all. 

I put my hand to my head for a second as I searched my pocket for any spare change (and threw a glance at my brother to see if he had any change), but neither of us had any. I threw an apologetic glance towards the people behind me (by now the man behind me was not making eye contact with me). I was about to send my brother out to the car to get my mom's card when the cashier asked if anyone in line had a spare quarter. I winced when she said that because I hated to have to ask anyone for spare change (even if it was only a quarter). Then a lady who was two people behind me (behind the man) went digging into her purse and pulled out a quarter. This lady smiled at me and gave the quarter to the cashier. I kept on repeating, "Oh my gosh, thank you so much..... I am so sorry!" and she could see how upset I was aout the whole thing and she smiled and laughed and said, "Don't even worry about it! I do that so much and I am in your shoes more than 50% of the time". So the quarter was added and we had enough to get our groceries and we got .04 cents back. I tried to give the four cents back to the lady (I know it was only 4 cents, but I still wanted to make the gesture at least) and she shook her head at me and smiled. I thanked her over and over and she had such a warming smile and a reassuring way to her that made me feel so wonderful. My brother and I picked up our groceries and said goodbye and I was still almost in tears.... not because I felt bad about holding up the line, but because that lady showed so much kindness in such a small gesture and the fact that she did it without even thinking twice about it, made me feel so extacic about the whole thing and made me forget my embarassment. 

Okay, I know that it was only a quarter that she gave me, but that saved me so much time and embarassment and completely made my day. Just goes to show that something little can mean so much and it really puts things in perspective, you know? That lady was truly an angel and completely made my day. God bless her. :)

Comment/ message me on your opinion of what happened :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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