Not knowing what she'll do, I quickly did as she said and ran upstairs to take cover. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as I tried to snap myself out of whatever weird dream I was having. "Come on, wake up..Wake Up!!" Sadly enough, this was no dream. It was all real. I heard men downstairs with various voices screaming my name before the sound of water engulfed their screams. after that, silence...

".....?" Praying that it was over, I took a few steps downstairs to where this Mera woman was yet there was no trace of her. Nor was there of the strange men who attacked us. As I wondered where she had gone another thought popped into my mind, the glowing item from the box.

I rushed over to wherever I dropped the now soaked box and looked inside if the same glow was there. There was nothing, just the junk from before. "great, just great." I sighed, slumping down onto the wet floorboard.


the lights flashed on, bringing me out of the dark but it wasn't like that was going to magically help my situation. "Maybe the police will believe that I was ransacked by fish people. Oh who am I kidding..." something soon touches my shoulder.

Out of reflex, I grabbed the nearest object close to me and swing at whatever was on me. Before I could strike a blow, a feminine hand grabs my wrist and tightens their hold forcing me to drop the object.

"I save your life and you repay me by trying to smack me with a shoe. Humans..." the woman from before grumbled, releasing my wrist. "I thought you were one of those...Things."

"Things? I take offense to that, those were Atlantian soldiers, though I didn't think they would come for you so soon.." Mera sighs, looking around my now ruined home "We need to leave. Before they send reinforcements for you"

"I'm sorry, reinforcements? atlantian soldiers? That's it. I lost it, I finally crashed from my work and now I'm hallucinating inside a mental asylum." I groaned, pacing back and forth.

"(Y/N), as much as I would love to hear you...complaining...we need to go. Do you have a vehicle for transportation or-"

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain yourself and why these guys tried to murder me!" Mera looks up at me about to say something until a beeping was heard from a charm on her wrist. "Look, we don't have time for this. We need to leave now and get to Amnesty Bay before it's too late, I can answer your questions on the way there."

I was skeptical at first, but what choice did I have? I sighed, leading her outside to my truck to leave. No point in stay anymore right...?

Before she walked out, Mera stepped down into the box, grabbing the cylinder. "......."


The entire car ride was silent as we drove outside of (Y/H/T), following the directions on the GPS to Amnesty Bay. It wasn't until it we were about 30 minutes out of town that I finally spoke up.

"Who are you?"

Mera simply chuckled at me, rolling her eyes before answering "I told you already, I am Princess Y'mera of the kingdom of Xebel. You may simply call me Mera."

"Wait wait wait...You're a princess?! I honestly thought you were some kickass warrior lady not some princess from Atlantis." Mera raises a brow but smiled at me nonetheless.

"No, but most royals are trained in combat to protect themselves in battle. Arent your royals the same?" this caused me to laugh, thinking to myself if Princess Diana were to fight queen Elizabeth to the death. "Er, no. None of the royal families I know of are trained like that. Just sit around and look pretty for the camera."

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