"Wow, that seems like a very lame assembly."

"Give me an A!" Coach called out to the crowd, the mole jumping in the background, doing poses to the letters.

The students repeated, "A!"

"Give me an R!"


"Give me a C!"

"C!" The camera showed the crowd as students bunched together on the bleachers.

"This is taking way too long. Give me an "adia"!" The student cheers died down some confusing chatter here and there. "What's that spell?" He scoffed when no one replied ad no one in the crowd moved. "Arcadia!"

Everyone laughed as Mary rolled her eyes. Coach Lawrence really never had the patients.

The mole appeared in front of the Coach as the students cheered for their school. Pushing the mole out of the way, Coach nearly knocked the microphone stand down "Go Moles! Go, Moles." He said less excitedly, "Before we begin, I have a few announcements-"

"Jeez, I feel bad for whoever is in that mole costume now." Looking away from everyone, Darci blushed in embarrassment. She had been given the role ever since Bill had moved and told no one, afraid of what'd they think.

In the crowd, Jim and Toby sat near the top, Jim explaining what he saw in his dream to Toby but his friend's focus was on something else other than Jim's story, his eyes were a clear concept that he was very interested in whatever he was staring at.

"Whoa, look at Toby." A kid mumbled as Steve lightly shoved the chunky kid.

"What on earth are you staring at Jumbo?"

"Like I should tell you!" Toby said defensively, shoving Steve's hands away.

"And his eye is glowing. And then, the dream just keeps reminding me that I'm completely way out of my league. Right? Tobes."

"Who is that masked mole? You ever wonder?" The mole did a few small dance moves.

"Oh, he's staring at the mole. Of course." Darci continued to blush, hiding her face from all her peers.

"You didn't hear a word I said just then, did you?"

"Sure, I did. You had no problems sneaking into the Darklands when it was to save Claire's brother, but now that Kanjigar says you've got to face Gunmar, you're having nightmares about him and are freaking out that you're way out of your league. I can multi-task, Jimbo." Jim smiled before looking at the mole.

"Wow, okay."

"It's Bill Aronstein." Jim simply answered.

"Bill moved to Wisconsin. This is someone else's artistry. Someone with feminine wiles."

"What? What feminine wiles? How do you even know that it's a girl under there?" Romantic music began to play as the spotlight only seemed to be on the mole, dancing like 'any girl would'.

"He seriously is assuming that the person beneath that costume is feminine?" Mary wondered, looking at Toby. Somehow, they all missed Darci trying to hide her face.

"If anything, I'm curious on who is in there now! Dang, it Toby!"

"Uh, trust me, dude. I know women, and that is all woman under there." During their little dance, Toby felt as though he made a connection with the mole until they fell into Coach Lawrence who groaned in annoyance. The students laughing.

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