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My heart began to race, as his black holes for eyes looked up at me. Those eyes have been in my dreams for the past four months, and it's been killing me.

My hands began to tremble, but I had to keep in order. I gulped and then began to walk up to the patient. I unraveled the stethoscope from my neck, and placed the two buds in my ears. The cold circular metal resting in my hand as I gaze at him. "Please take deep breaths when I ask you to."

I placed the cold metal onto his back and began to listen to his heart. His heart was racing, and I began to worry. "Take a deep breath." He did as told. "Another one." He did as told again. I then pulled away, my eyebrows knotted. "Your heart is beating unbelievably fast.."

He gulped, then opened his mouth, his lips moving quickly. "I'm just nervous that's all." All I could do was nod. "I see, we'll double check if anything is wrong." I then began to head towards the door "if you need anything press the blue button next you, and the nurse will come." He lets out a quiet "okay." And I opened the door and left, my heart racing with anxiety from the patients murmur.

"Why has Thomas Thompson hiding in my dreams."

(It's been a while since I last been on Wattpad, yolo)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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