Camping, Near Modesto

6K 118 32

Nubbins and twigs and

less hygienic things

are poking through my socks

as I walk back through the woods

from peeing on hot and cold running

pine needles.

Wobbly with winey air,

I flip off the flashlight

and the felty black comes flailing down,

crash-landing in slow motion

on my  inner city-state.

The silence is crusted

and  broken, like snow.

The stars

are savage things,

they need

nothing at all from me.

O, slowest brother, born to the middle,

O brother of riddles,

who waits behind every fire:

if ever we reach

a night like this,

and if it should awaken in me

anything less than terror and abject love

pick up your heart, I beg  you,

pick up your mind

like an axe made of bullets and wool,

and kindly

kill me.

(2nd Honorable Mention, Ina Coolbrith Annual Poetry Contest, 2010, Category: Nature)

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