Chapter 11

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I'd been nervous all day. Gabriel and Lance would battle for the title Alpha tonight. I couldn't stand to see Lance or even be around him. I wasn't sure how good a fighter Gabriel was, so I feared for his life and mine if he didn't win. I'd be cast out for being a widowed Alpha female.  I'd die a slow painful death without my other half. My inner wolf growled at me. She hated when I thought so lowly of our mate. She wanted me to have faith in Gabriel and his wolf.


I looked out the window down into the maze garden. Miki was prancing back and forth in a dead end. I knew she wasn't trapped. She knew the maze like the back of her hand. She was scared. She knew if I became alpha I'd have to make her an outcast. She'd have to die a widowed rogue, but even if I did get the alpha title, I wouldn't do such a thing to my favorite sister.

"Lala," Jack's voice came from the door. I turned to see him holding Miki's favorite blanket. "You're not gonna hurt Miki, are you?"

"No Jack Jack," I said before taking him in my arms and rocking him to sleep.


I was overly frightened. I was a first class Beta, but that didn't give me the right to battle my alpha's son. I made my way to the Alpha's office.

"I can't do it sir," I said as I opened the door.


After Jack was put to bed, I decided I needed to have a conversation with my father about the battle later this evening.

"Father I can't fight and kill Miki's mate. It's not fair for her, and besides I think Gabriel would make the better alpha."

"Well son," he began before Gabriel walked through the door.

"I can't do it sir," he said just as he made eye contact with  me.

The One I Call HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora