Chapter 4

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Lance rushed through the forest. He had to go for a run otherwise he'd take off back home to Mikayla. His mother refused to let him travel over 200 miles alone.


As I coward under the strange, I took a peek at what he looked like. My body relaxed of all tension when I saw the sexiest man ever. The fear rushed back in when he started kissing my neckline.

Suddenly he was dragged away from me. I looked up to see my father.

"It's a good thing I forgot some things," he growled as the stranger jumped to his feet.

I knew my dad could take him, but I didn't want to be around just in case that didn't happen. I rushed out to my balcony and flew down the stairs. I ran past the lake to the enormous car shed. I pulled open the barn-like doors just as I heard the scariest thing in the world.

The stranger roared so loud it felt like the ground shook. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard, "Mine!" I turned toward the mansion, but I was knocked to the ground before making the complete turn. "Don't you ever run from me!" He snarled as I gave him the best bitch face I could muster.

"Well, most definitely NOT kind sir, if you'd please, GET THE HELL OFF ME!" He didn't budge, and for the first time I could feel the bond between us.

Being scared shit out of my mind earlier, it was a little hard to notice.

I saw pure love in his beautiful silver eyes. His messy spiked hair was midnight black like mine, and I'd say he ranged close to seven foot.

"What are you looking at?" I cooed at the beautiful man as he began to growl.

I pulled myself off the ground by hugging his body. I turned my head and looked in the direction he was. It was my dad. He wasn't to badly injured, but you could tell he had tussled with my mate.

"Daddy!" I wiggled out from under Gabriel, but he grabbed my leg knocking me back to the ground. "What the hell!" I kicked his shoulder, but that only irritated him more.

"Stop trying to get away for me!" My mate roared gripping my leg tightly.

"That hurts!" I screamed in pain. Tears began to run down my cheeks, and that's when Gabriel's attention was all on me.

"I'm sorry," he said coming to towered over me.

"Don't do that!" He backed off like a puppy. "I don't like being dominated! Now help my dad!"

He ran to my father and helped him back to the house. I sat there and sobbed until he returned.

"What are you doing?" His tongue dragged against the redness on my skin where he squeezed my leg.

"Fixing it," Gabriel replied calmly, but he flinched.

"Are you ok?"

"It's really hard to resist you right now. Especially like that." He pointed at my body.

I looked down to examine myself. My shirt was torn revealing my breasts covered in mud.

"This," I pointed down, "is all your fault." I got up and went to the shed. "Are you coming?" I called back.

I climbed up a latter to my little "hide out". I only came here when I was frustrated. There was a mattress with an old blanket laying neatly folded on the edge. Mother had it cleaned even when I didn't use it. I sat on the mattress and patted the space next to me. He sat roughly, and I bounced a bit.

We sat in silence until he broke it. "You're more beautiful than the pictures." I smiled at his comment.

I wanted to attack him with kisses, and that's exactly what I did. I jumped at him, and seconds later we were in a full blown make out session. My hands wondered down to his pant line. I felt the button, and I messed with it until it came loose. He ripped the rest of my shirt off. My hands climbed up his body as he took off his shirt.


His hands came down to my shorts. He undid them just as Sierra came threw the door.

"Hey!" She screamed. "Dad's calling you!"

"Ok!" I yelled back. Gabriel groaned as I buttoned my shorts and his pants. "Not today big boy." I kissed him before taking his shirt.

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