Bad Reputation...(18)

Start from the beginning

When I thought that nothing could get any worse John (Deacy) entered the scene. "What's all the screaming abou-AAAAAAA" John yelled looking at my naked body. He covered his eyes and tried to close the door but failed by hitting Roger right in his face. "BOTH OF YOU! OUT!" I barked at them, they kept screaming terrified, and ran downstairs finally closing the door. I sighed, this is going to be a long month.
After showering I went downstairs to the kitchen where Brian was supposed to cock us all dinner. The moment I stepped into the kitchen the boys went silent, and stared down at their plates but the silence was interrupted by Brians and Freddies laughter. "You told them didn't you?" I said turning around to look at Deacy and Roger who were laughing too. "Ha ha, yes it's so funny! They saw me naked, so what?" I said in a sarcastic way taking my seat next to Deacy.

"Well i'm actually going to apologize." Roger said. "I didn't mean to, you know, see you naked." He said turning to look at me, I looked at him confused. "Not that I don't want to see you naked, I mean, it's such a privilege but i'm you know uh." Roger kept talking but got cut off by Deacy before he could said something even stupider. "What my friend Roger is trying to say is that he is sorry for opening the door while you were showering." Deacy said taking a bite of his pancake.

"You're forgiven, if you promise it won't happen again." I said giving Brian my plate so that I could also get a pancake. "Can't promise you that." Roger mumbled loud enough for me to hear.
That first night I couldn't sleep, my mind was going miles per hour, I couldn't even close my eyes and I didn't know why, I kept thinking about Queen and its future, and Roger... Oh Roger. We still haven't had 'The Talk' but I knew it wasn't far away, we just couldn't forget what had happened between us and I couldn't forget about the confession he told me when he was drunk. He said he liked me. Maybe now it was my time to confess it to him too.
And that's when it hit me all at once, the lyrics, the chords, the medley, everything came together in seconds.

I jumped out of my bed, I had just written a song! And not just 'a song' but 'the song'. I took my notebook from my nightstand and scribbled the lyrics down quickly before I could forget about it. I gotta show this to Freddie, he needs to see it. I thought to myself, if I wanted the lyrics to be even more perfect I would need his help. I looked at my watch. 3:18 am. I don't think he'll mind if I wake him up.

I got out of my room and walked towards Freddie's room, he was sleeping obviously, snoring softly. That's weird, as far as I know, Freddie doesn't snore. I walked towards his bed and shook his shoulder slightly. "Fred, wake up, I wrote a song." I whispered and he groaned ignoring me completely, so I tried shaking him again. "Please wake up, you have to hear the song Fred!" I said, this time I wasn't whispering.

"Wrong room Andy." Roger said turning his face to meet mine. I jumped at this. "Oh god, Rog, sorry I thought this was Freddie's room." I said taking a few steps back. He groaned in response and closed his eyes again. "Sorry Rog, i'll leave." I whispered at started walking towards the door. "No, no, don't go..." He whispered back. "I want to hear the song." He added. I was taken by surprise, I had never sang to Roger, let alone a song of mine. "Sing it to me Andy." Roger said opening his eyes looking at me.

"I-I-I don't really sing." I said walking away from the door and now towards him. "Oh don't be ridiculous, I've heard you sing before." He said sitting on his bed. "I-I don't have a piano." I said trying to convince him to drop it. I didn't want to sing to Roger, not this song at least. "There's a guitar right there, just play the chords." Roger said pointing towards the acoustic guitar that was resting against a chair.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him taking the guitar between my arms. I sat at the edge of his bed, face to face with him. I looked into his deep blue eyes, my eyes meet many but always manage to get lost in his. "no laughing okay? This is just a rough idea of the song" I asked. "Okay." He responded.

He's got a bad reputation,
he takes the long way home.
And all of my friends say he's not enough, oh so the story goes.

Mistakes I did made them,
hope I didn't hurt him oh.
Cause he's got a bad reputation,
but I know what they don't.

And I don't care what they,
say about you baby,
they don't know what you've
been through.

Trust me I could be the one that,
loves you as you are,
let me see, what's underneath,
all I need is you.

He's got a bad reputation,
but he's all that, all I want though.

I finished singing it and looked up to see Rogers' reaction. His jaw was opened, his eyes were looking right at me. "Is it about...?" He muttered. "It's about you." I responded without thinking about anything else but being with Roger. "Do you feel the same way as I do?" He asked me placing his hand on top of mine.

"Of course I do Rog."

QUEEN // Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now