The middle of nowhere... (8)

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Hey guys, I'm aware that the dates aren't accurate, sorry but you will later understand why I said four months instead of a year.

After four months of officially being a band we started playing in different pubs. Once in a while we would go to nearby towns and perform in different locations and this time was not the difference.

We were on our way to a town which was only 2 hours away, we were sure that we would have a good reputation there because the word of this new band was spreading fast. We were going to perform in a pub which was right in front of a university, we were certain that at least 150 people were going to be there, our biggest audience yet.

Roger was driving, obviously, John was sitting next to him and me, Brian and Freddie were all squashed together in the back seats. I have only known these guys, except for Freddie, for just four months and I could easily say that they were my best friends, but I grew closer to one of them. Roger.

Being with him was the best feeling ever, whenever we were together we spent most of the time laughing, he was so nice to me in many different ways, whenever I spoke he would listen and viceversa, we understood each other so well even though we were completely different. Him being the outgoing person he was and me being the shy one; little by little he was turning into one of the most important people in my life. But still, nothing really has happened between us. He would occasionally flirt with me but that was it he hadn't tried anything else, and it was fine with me even though I had this tiny, tiny, tiny crush on him.

We were all listening and singing along to a random song playing on the radio when all of the sudden, the van stopped.
"What the fuck?" Roger said aggressively hitting the steering wheel. "Why is it stopping?" John asked. "Does it look like I know?" Roger asked with a harsh tone. "I'm gonna check what's wrong." Brian said opening the back door. "Brian, you know nothing about cars, I'm gonna go and check." Roger said opening his door. "I'll go with you" John told Roger. "Lets all go" Freddie scoffed hopping off.

"I'm in the middle of nowhere eating a ham sandwich when we are suppose to be heading to this stupid town. If we don't get there then we won't be recognized anywhere that is not the pub were we always play." Roger exclaimed walking in a loop around the van. "We have to start thinking big." Freddie said. "What do you have in mind Fred?" I asked him. "An album" Freddie smirked and we all laughed. "And where are we supposed to get the money to pay for a studio?" John asked. "How much is this van worth?" Freddie asked which made us all laughed once again, this time a bit harder. We stopped laughing when we noticed that Freddie was talking seriously. "You are kidding, right? I'm not selling my van." Roger dictated. "Even of we do sell the van, we still wouldn't be able to pay for an album" Brian added. "Andrea, something to say about this?" Freddie said turning to me. I knew what he was talking about, I came from a wealthy family, more than wealthy I dare to say, but that didn't mean that my parents were going to be willing to contribute. "Uh I-I think I could ask my parents for some money but they also have to know who are they going to give money to." I stuttered. "So are you saying we have to meet your parents?" John asked me. "Well they're not going to give me any money for an album if they don't know the band." I explained.
"It's fine with me." Brian said and later on everyone agreed. "We still have to sell the van though." I said looking at Roger who rolled his eyes playfully at me. "Ugh fine." He finally gave in.


We sold the van at a reasonable price but we still needed more money so I called my parents and told them that I was going to go over to their house and bring some friends with me to talk about business. My parents agreed and we accorded to met them over the weekend.

It is short but next chapter will be longer and hilarious I promise.

QUEEN // Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now